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Clem's POV...

I sit in the room that AJ and I were given. It's trashed, but it's the best anyone can get in the middle of nowhere, during the apocalypse. I'm staring at the wall. I do that a lot nowadays. Knowing that Y/N has been out there for months and I didn't look for him tortures me. Now he's going to be killed and there's nothing to do about it.

I look at my hat on the run-down table in the room. It fell off of Y/N's head when he was dragged away. I haven't been able to put it on.

The keychain feels heavy around my neck. I grab it and squeeze it. The metal is cold. A few tears sneak out of my eyes.

The door flies open and startles me.

Louis: Clem!

Clem: Louis!

I start to rub my eyes to clear the tears away.

Clem: Fucking knock!

Louis: Oh sorry.

Clem: Go away.

Louis: This is important.

Clem: Go away.

Louis: Y/Ns here.

I look at him with a shocked expression on my face.

Clem: Where is he?

Louis: Ruby has him. She won't let you in there right now.

Clem: Why? Wha- What happened?

Louis: That one girl, Athena I think, she brought him back. He was unconscious and missing his left arm.

Clem: Oh my God.

Louis: He'll be alright. Ruby made sure you were after you lost your leg.

Clem: Where's Athena?

Louis: Outside tied up.

Clem: Thanks.

I get up and hop past Louis.

Louis: Where are you going?

Clem: To visit.

I hop outside and look around. I see the snake tied to a tree. She's asleep. I walk over to the pile of loose weapons and pick up a pistol. I check if it's loaded. It is.

Louis: Clem, put that back.

Clem: Do me a favor and go away.

Louis: I can't let you kill her.

Clem: What are you going to do?

Louis: I won't let you.

Clem: I'll shoot you too.

He stands in my way and thinks for a second.

Louis: You wouldn't.

I start to raise the pistol, and he steps out of the way. I'm glad, I wouldn't have.

Louis: What the hell?!

I rest the pistol in a comfortable spot on the crutch and hop towards Athena. When I get to her I hit her with one of my crutches to wake her up. She slowly opens her eyes and tries to stretch but fails due to the restraints.

Clem: You've got some nerve coming back.

Athena: Clementine, Ares' girlfriend.

Clem: His name is Y/N.

Athena: Sorry, force of habit.

Clem: Your carefree tone is pissing me off.

Athena: Spot on, I really don't care.

A few people have taken notice of me talking to her and come over. I raise the pistol up and aim it at Athena. She looks slightly nervous for a second, but it disappears quickly.

Athena: Do it.

Someone grabs the pistol in my hand and starts to pull it away. I try and take it back, not letting my eyes leave Athena.

AJ: Stop Clem.

AJ stands beside me. I look over at him. He's the one grabbing the gun. I let it go and push through the few people who were watching.

Athena: Come on! Just shoot me! Hahaha!

It takes everything in me not to go back to do it.

Ruby: Clementine!

I turn to see Ruby running over to me.

Ruby: I checked your place and you weren't there. Thank goodness I found you.

Clem: What?

Ruby: I wanted to know if you would like to see him.

Clem: Yeah. Please.

Ruby: He's this way.

I follow her.

Clem: Do you know what happened?

Ruby: Violet told me that Athena said he was shot with a sniper rifle. Ruined his arm. She had to rip it off and cauterize it to keep him from dying. I just had to clean it, fix a bit better, and wrap it up.

Clem: Is he gonna be alright?

Ruby: Should be. He probably won't wake up for a day or two. He barely made it.

She opens the door to a building.

Ruby: I'll leave you to it. I'm right outside if anything happens.

Clem: Thank you.

I hop inside and see him laying on a table. He still has a mask on. I hop over beside him where there's a chair. I sit down in it and look at him. He's fast asleep.

Clem: Please don't die. I can't go through that again.

I put my hands on him and rest my head on them. Letting everything out of me. The pain, sadness, anger... All of it comes pouring out of me at once. I'm glad he isn't awake to see it.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now