Christmas Special

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Clem: Wake up Y/N!

You: What?

You groan as you open your eyes. Clementine is shaking you violently.

Clem: It's six fifty-nine.

You: So?

Clem: AJ is about to burst in here.

You: So?

Clem: We're not dressed.

You: Oh... Shit.

Clem: What do we do?

You: Just stay under the covers and we'll wait until he's gone to get out.

AJ: Wake up!

AJ bursts into the room and Clementine pulls the covers all the way up to her neck.

AJ: Santa came! Now get up!

You: Ok buddy. We'll be in there in a minute.

AJ: No, get up now.

He grabs the covers and gets ready to pull them back, but you catch them before he does.

You: AJ, we'll be out in a minute.

AJ: Fine.

He walks out of the room and leaves the door open.

You: Shut the door!

He comes back and pulls it shut.

Clem: Good catch.

You: Yeah, I know. I'm awesome.

Clem: I wouldn't go that far.

You: Eh, haven't you though.

Clem: Stop while you're ahead.

You: Ok.


You and Clem enter the living room in your pajamas. AJ is sitting in the middle of the floor bouncing up and down.

AJ: Finally!

He groans as he sees you enter.

You: Do you want to open your gifts?

AJ: Yes.

You: Then have some patience. Clem's has to start breakfast still.

Clem: Why do I have to do it? I think you should.

You: Ok.

Clem: No... No, I was... Trying to get you to...

You: Whine and complain?

Clem: Yes.

You: Not gonna work.

You wink at her.

Clem: Well, you're an awful cook, so I'm cooking.

You: What? Clem I'm so good.

Clem: Worked.

You: No, it didn't.

She chuckles at you.

Clem: I love you.

You: Clearly not.

You fake pout.

Clem: Aww, are you going to cry?

You: Yes.

Clem: Poor thing.

You: You know, you could make me feel better.

Clem: How can I do that?

You: Oh... you know...

AJ: Please stop.

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