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Three weeks later...

You slowly walk down a road, clutching your stomach. You don't remember the last time you ate.

You: Come on.

Each step take tremendous effort, but you have to keep moving.

You: I... Promise, Clem.

You take another step and your leg gives out. You fall to the ground and turn onto your back. You can't move anymore.

You: I... I'm sorry... Clem.

You stare at the sky. The Sun beats down on you. Your whole body is telling you to quit, but you refuse.

You: Fuck... Off...

Your throat hurts. It's on fire actually.

Eri: Huu, Y/N?

Your mind is drawn to your little sister, and then the screams as you killed her.

Grant: You have to, Y/N.

What's happening? Why are you thinking about this?

You sit in a small cave, shivering. Your freezing, starving, thirsty. You're crying as you feel the end coming. You're only ten. You have so much life left to live. Then a hand reaches for you. You take it, and come face to face with a woman. She's kind, and her warm smile brings you peace. Her group feeds you, and helps you recover. But, when they're not looking, you rob them, and run away.

You're surrounded on all sides by people with guns, but they don't stand a chance. You brutally murder each of them. Knowing that the only way to survive is to kill them all.

You walk through a school, butchering everyone you come across. Smashing in the heads of the innocent, all because you didn't want anyone to remember you and come after you.

You wake up in the basement of a building. Your hands tied behind your back, and then you're in a small room. A room you sit in for a week. And then, Clem hops in. She sits in a chair and stares at you. You're extremely cold to her and she sees right through you. Her warm smile brings you peace, just like that woman from when you were younger.

You run through a school with her on your back. The Walkers closing in on you. They start to grab her and you spin around to keep them from taking her from you.

Her screams terrify you to your core as the strange liquid drips onto her wrists. You struggle out of your binds and cover her. You don't want anything hurting her. You unhook her chains and she starts to fall. You grab her, and she passes out. You rest her head in your lap. You want her to be comfortable.

Your surrounded by dead people. John lays in front of you. No longer recognizable. Clem collapses onto your back and embraces you. She's warm, in a world that's so cold.

Clem: I've survived a lot. I'm not going to let some punk who showed up at my doorstep one day, get me killed.

Your going crazy, and she helps you.

You: So I'm a punk now?

Clem: You always were.

She kisses you, and your whole body melts. She's everything to you.

Deimos walks into the room. You're strapped down and he's holding Clem's hat.

Deimos: You're girlfriend is dead.

Your world crumbles and you feel lost.

Ares: Javier Gracias.

You see Javier again. There's hope again. She could have escaped.

The light of flashlights shines her on her face. Her hazel eyes sparkle when they're lit up. She stares into your soul and brings you back to life.

You run out of Olympus, and your arm is blown to bits. A sniper rifle's bullet tearing through it. You pass out, and wake up with Clementine resting on your stomach. Her presence fills you with joy.

You ride to Salvation with her sleeping on you. You refuse to let them take her from you.

You hold your hand to her face. You're dying. The building just exploded and you feel bad. You've left her. Her pain hurts you more then any of the injuries on your body.

She raises a spoon to your mouth and feeds you. It's not good food, but her smile gets you through it. Her voice soothes the pain of the cuts and burns all over your body.

You: Alright. I'll leave you alone.

You get out of the van. She's tearing at the seams because of you, and there's nothing you can do about it. That's, the last time you got to see her.

You: I'm so... sorry, Clem.

You close your eyes.

You: I broke... My Promise...

You're in a bedroom. Violet is keeping watch in another part of the house. There's a box lying on the bed. You open it and you're met with two rings. You had a dream where you proposed to her, and it made you so happy. You take them, hoping maybe you could make that dream a reality.

You: I... Love you... Clementine...

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now