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I was fairly excited to get back to uni. Partly to see my friends again, but also because our modules sounded far more exciting than last year. My computer science degree enabled me to also take a digital forensics module, which I was very keen to possibly expand on in the future, as well as some other interesting topics like artificial intelligence and robotics.

The only thing I was a little nervous about was the fact that I would probably end up having to face Peter at some point. Last year, my lecturer, Peter Ford, had somehow managed to get himself involved in the whole Haydn situation. At the time I'd let the darkness take over my mind in David's office, I'd completely trashed the room, and when I went to tidy it up the next day, Peter had just stormed in with no warning. Of course, he was already suspicious that something was going on- he thought I had some out-of-control anger issues (which, I guess was technically true), but then David had restrained him before he could tell anyone, and Ronan hypnotised him to forget. Eventually, though, the hypnosis wore off. Ronan, although very skilled in hypnosis, claimed that it was only so effective on some people. Peter had figured it all out by himself, so it was very likely that it wouldn't last long. He'd figured it out once, so he'd figure it out again.

When Peter did start to remember, Haydn had made a sudden appearance- literally- in front of him, and I ended up using my powers in front of Peter to try and stop him. Then Haydn took me to Greenwich Park, and shit went down.

But after that, Peter didn't mention anything about it. No questions. Nada.

At first, I thought that Ronan had hypnotised him again, but apparently not. David came to the conclusion that Peter just decided he didn't want to get involved, and that was that. I didn't dare mention the subject again, if he just wanted to pretend it didn't happen. After all, it was his right not to be part of it all. I didn't blame him- it was all rather complicated. Perhaps he was still in denial of it all.

But, as it happened, I had two of my modules with him for the first term. I'd be very interested to see whether he mentioned any of it after the long summer break, or whether he'd wiped it from his memory entirely.

I met Kate outside the room.

"Hey." I smiled. "How's it going?"

"Alright." Kate said. "Not very excited about this module, though."

I chuckled. "Why? Peter is always interesting."

"Not so much that." Kate said. "Have you seen the coursework? It looks like a nightmare."

I just laughed. "It always does. Anyway, let's go in. We don't wanna miss anything."

We walked in, and when I saw Peter standing at the front, I suddenly felt quite nervous. I wasn't entirely sure why, though, because I was quite happy to answer his questions if he had any. Maybe I was just curious about what he thought about it all. What he thought about me.

He looked up when Kate and I walked in, and I didn't miss the flash of remembrance cross his gaze. Maybe he was just as nervous. Maybe he just didn't know what to say. I don't think I would, if I were in his boots.

Still, Kate and I walked over to him, as we had to tap in our attendance.

"Hi, Peter." Kate said, smiling, oblivious to what had happened.

"Hi, girls." Peter said, trying his best to smile.

I smiled, too, tapping my card. "Good summer?" I asked, as casually as possible. After all, I didn't want Kate questioning why Peter and I were no longer on speaking terms- if that's even where we were. Peter had always spoken to me last year, whenever I'd bashed my head or fainted or whatever. He'd been nothing but kind, and genuinely concerned for my well-being, and Kate knew that. If I could help it, and if Peter would allow it, I wouldn't mind things returning back to the way they were.

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