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My consciousness started to return gradually- I felt sick, and my limbs felt heavy. I struggled to open my eyes, as if they were glued shut. I then realised I was laying on my back, my hands and ankles bound by something. Then I remembered what just happened.

Finally, I managed to open my eyes. At first, everything was blurry. There was a bright light shining in my face, and I had to blink a few times to try and focus my surroundings.

I was in a room- a large room. Everything was white. I could see a few people moving around, having not noticed that I was awake yet, but then my eyes settled on the dentist-like chair next to me. My heart sank, and panic started to set in. Ronan was laying on it, unconscious, his wrists and ankles bound like mine. Dried blood trailed out of his ears. What had they done to him?

I tried to access the ice, and was relieved that it was there, right where it should have been before. I channelled it through my arms, to try and give myself some strength to break the bonds, but then I had to stifle a cry. It hurt. Pain shot through my arms, right where I was using the ice, and so I stopped.

What was this?

I tried something else- metal, perhaps. It would give me more physical strength than any other element. It took a moment, but it was definitely there. I grabbed hold of it, and repeated what I'd done with the ice.

"Argh!" I cried, unable to withhold it this time. The pain was intense, and worse than the first time.

Of course, it grabbed everyone's attention. The three people who were in the room all looked at me and seemed to spring into action, typing some things into a computer, and then they left.

"Ronan." I said. "Ronan!" I repeated, but he didn't stir.

The door opened then, and Doctor Geralds walked in.

"Ah, Millie, welcome back." He said, like everything were fine and dandy. "I presume you've already tried to use your powers to escape?"

I didn't say anything.

"Take that as a yes. Did it hurt?"

Again, I kept my lips sealed.

The doctor laughed. "Jolly good." He said, and made his way over to a table. "It was a shame, really- you missed the big announcement. Luckily I had it filmed for you."

The doctor wheeled a trolley round to the front of the chair I was in, which had a small TV on it. He then pressed play.

"I do apologise for that minor inconvenience." The doctor said on the screen- he was standing in front of the glass cube, and I assumed it was after I'd passed out. "But I'd like to draw your attention to my newest subject." He stepped aside, to reveal Ronan who was still in the box. He looked even more worried than when I saw him before.

"Looks like an ordinary bloke to me." A man said from behind the camera man.

The doctor chuckled lightheartedly. "Ah, yes, well he would. This man is far from ordinary, I can tell you that. You see, for the past decade I have focused my studies on the supernatural. Now hear me out." The doctor put his hands up for a moment. "I know what you're all thinking. Last time I did something like this, it failed. But that was because I was inexperienced and didn't have everything planned right. But tonight, everything will change." He paused, as if to build the suspense in the room. "There are people known as elementals living amongst us."

The doctor started walking forward, towards the audience, and the camera followed him. "And by elementals, in case you hadn't already guessed, I'm talking about individuals who have the ability to control one of the elements."

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