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Ronan had vanished, so that he could go and recruit as many Dreamwalkers and Argents as he could. Kate and I were standing with Irina and David, waiting for the signal. Of course, the signal wasn't for Kate and I- it was for them. We were a fair distance away from the complex- close enough that Kate and I could see what was happening at the entrance though a pair of binoculars, but far enough so that we shouldn't be spotted should things go tits up. Which, I'd been told several times by Irina, was pretty inevitable in a situation like this. Hence, the need to stay right here, without getting any closer. Not even a single step, as she'd put it.

If Kate had any plans about ignoring her, I didn't know about them. She didn't sound as though she were lying when she said to Irina that she wouldn't do anything, but then again, she didn't last time. I was beginning to wonder whether I even knew Kate anymore. At first I thought she'd changed for the worse, what with stabbing me in the back, but now that we were over that, I was beginning to see her change in a good way. She seemed stronger. More confident in herself.

I, on the other hand, seemed to have reversed. I no longer felt confident in myself. I felt weak and useless, and it wasn't just because I didn't have powers anymore. It was being surrounded by people who did. I felt like I was still part of their world, but at the same time, I wasn't. Like I wasn't quite part of the human world, but I wasn't quite part of the Argent world, either. I was stuck, somewhere in the middle, and there was no way I could ever go back to either one.

But, what could I do about it? For now, I had to support the others in what they were about to do. I had to be ready to help in any way I could, even if that just meant staying out of the way.

I'd never been very good at that.

Ronan appeared then. "Okay." He said. "We're ready to go."

I swallowed, because I didn't want any of them to go. Not when I didn't know what was going on in there.

Irina and David nodded.

"Stay here." Ronan said for the final time.

"Good luck." I said. "Please come back."

"Don't worry." David said, planting a hand on my shoulder. "We'll be fine."

I wanted to protest, but it wouldn't get us anywhere. "Okay." I whispered.

Ronan caught my eye then, and just nodded, before disappearing with David and Irina.


It had been ten minutes, and so far, nothing had happened. I'd kept my binoculars focused on the entrance, but all I could see was a man standing outside with a large gun in his hands.

"This is so shit." I said.

"I know." Kate agreed. "But you know what they said. We'd be no help. We'd make things worse."

I nodded. "I know." I said.

"They'll be okay, you know?" Kate said, trying to make me feel better.

I looked at her. "You don't know that." I said.

She shrugged. "Yeah, well, I don't see how their plan won't work if Ronan has the numbers."

Again, I wasn't convinced by what Kate was telling me, but I didn't want to start an argument. I put the binoculars against my eyes again, and gasped. I could see a figure approaching the guard from behind, although I couldn't see who it was. It was getting dark.

"They've started." I said.

"Let's see." Kate said, and I handed over the binoculars to her. "Oh, shit!" She exclaimed. "That guard didn't even see it coming."

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