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I woke to sunlight pouring through the gap in my curtains. It took a moment for the dream to replay in my mind, and when it did, I suddenly felt like shit. I knew it wasn't real- I'd had my fair share of nightmares last year, and this one was hardly any different, but at the moment it seemed as if the image of Haydn with Jake and Ronan had been lodged in the front of my brain. I hoped that these dreams weren't going to become a regular occurrence.

I got up, ate breakfast, and then sat at my laptop for a while, trying to do work. The others had already gone to uni, so it was just me in the house. It should have made it easier to concentrate, however, the silence only seemed to fuel my vivid thoughts.

Still, I did what I could before it was time to go to uni again.

Kate text me saying she was going to be late, and so I made my way to the lecture theatre on my own. When I got there, I was glad I didn't have any run-ins with 'Haydn', however the moment I stepped through the door of the building, I almost ran straight into Peter.

"Oh, hi." I said, unsure as to whether he'd want to talk but thinking it rude to ignore him if that wasn't the case.

"Hi, Millie." He said, also not sure what to say or do.

I frowned, and went to talk to him. I wanted to just ask him if he was okay with everything, or something along those lines, but he put a hand up.

"Look, Millie, I don't know what happened last year." He began. "I know for a fact that I saw things I shouldn't have, and quite frankly, I'm struggling to get my head around it. I can't decide whether I want to forget about it or try to understand it."

"I, um..." I wasn't sure what to say. "I'm sorry you got involved."

"It's not your fault." He said. "I was meddling in things that weren't my business, so for that, I apologise."

"It's okay." I said, wondering what he was even apologising for. "When you do decide what you want, I will answer your questions. Or I can drop the subject altogether."

Peter nodded once, mustered a smile, and then left. For a moment I just stood there, having not expected Peter to say any of that. I thought he was angry with me, or wouldn't want anything to do with me, but I guess that would be hard, what with him being my lecturer.

After a moment, I continued up the stairs to the lecture theatre.


David was sat at the front, leaning back in his chair with one foot resting on the opposite knee. I'd got here early, hoping to see him before everyone arrived. He smiled when I walked in.

"Well, well, well." He said. "If it isn't the famous Millie Robinson."

I laughed. "Uh, hi." I said. "How you doing?"

"Not too bad, thanks." David said, as I walked over to the front desk. "And yourself?" He asked.

I nodded. "Good, thanks." I tapped in my card to register my attendance.

David stared at me for a good five seconds without saying anything.

"What?" I asked.

"You know Ronan basically tells me everything now." David said. "If it's Argent related."

I sighed. Of course Ronan had told David about me seeing Haydn all of a sudden, and probably about my inability to grasp any control over metal. I didn't mind, as such- I just thought I'd end up telling David myself. "Yeah, okay, so things aren't too great on that front." I admitted.

David uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, his elbows on the desk. "What's going on, then?"

I shrugged. "I don't even know-"

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