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I stood in Greenwich Park, my boots ankle deep in snow. Everything was quite hard to distinguish- I could see trees around me, and hear the cars behind me, but there was a heavy fog hanging in the air that made it hard to see.

I was alone, and so I walked further into the park, my boots crunching through the white blanket beneath them.

"Hey, Millie."

I turned to the familiar voice, and smiled when Jake started walking towards me.

"Hey." I said. "What are you doing here?"

I frowned then, as it occurred to me that I didn't even know what I was doing here.

Jake didn't answer, but instead, he pointed a finger over my shoulder. I turned, and at first didn't see anything but fog and snow. But, then a figure started to emerge, and the closer it got, the more my body started to fill with dread. My heart rate picked up speed, and despite the snow, I started to sweat.

Haydn stopped a few feet in front if me, his yellow eyes slicing through the fog to rest upon mine. He stood calm, with his hands in his pocket.

"Jake, get out of here." I snapped, but when I turned to look, he was gone.

Haydn laughed, drawing my attention back to him. And Jake. Jake was struggling, trying to get away from Haydn, but Haydn was too strong. The darkness drifted around him like smoke, and his eyes were no longer yellow- they were black and empty, void of all emotion.

"Stop!" I cried, and tried to run towards Haydn and Jake, but for some reason my feet were glued to the ground. I tried to summon the ice, but for some reason it would not come. Fire, water, lightning, earth, air, metal- none of them answered my plea for help.

Pain seemed to accumulate in my belly then, and I looked down to see a piece of metal poking out. Blood pooled around it, and seeped into the fabric of my jumper before dripping onto the ground. The blood only looked more menacing against the white of the snow.

"Millie, help me!"

I looked up, no longer seeing Jake in Haydn's grasp, but Ronan. Haydn had one hand gripped around his throat, and had lifted him from the ground so that he dangled there like a rag doll.

And there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

The pain in my stomach only seemed to intensify, and my vision was beginning to blur.

"I can't." I wanted to shout, but it came out as no more than a whisper. My legs were giving up on me, and I couldn't help but fall onto the snow, the dampness making my denim jeans wet and uncomfortable. Blood continued to blossom through my clothes, and drip onto the snow.

I was useless.

My head hit the coldness and everything went black.


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