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There wasn't too much of a plan. Only that Irina, David and Saxon were our best assets to hand. Saxon also went and got Rob and Lydia, who volunteered to help. That meant that three full Argents, one half Argent and a Dreamwalker, with two ordinary humans on the side, were facing perhaps a few dozen elementals.

Of course, Kate and I were told to stay well away. I did manage to persuade David and Irina to let us watch from a safe distance- I wasn't sure why I wanted to, exactly. I guess I'd feel more useful, despite the fact that I couldn't do anything.

"Okay, are we ready for this?" Saxon asked, taking the role of team leader, it seemed. We were standing just outside the Town Hall, where Ronan and I had been taken captive. It seemed like a lifetime ago since that all happened.

"As I'll ever be." David said, and turned to Kate and I. "You two need to stay here, okay?"

This was probably the millionth time he'd said this. "Yes." Both Kate and I sighed.

"Okay." David said, seemingly assured that Kate and I wouldn't do anything stupid. I hadn't decided whether I would do anything stupid yet- currently, I wasn't sure what I could do that wouldn't make everything a hundred times worse.

"Good luck." I said. "Please don't die."

"We'll be fine." Irina said, trying to assure me, but it hit me then just what was happening. This was super dangerous. It was very possible that they would get trapped themselves. Then what? I certainly wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Kate would be just as useless.

"Let's go, then." Rob said, and so they left.

Kate and I were sat behind a wall, a fair distance away from the Town Hall, keeping an eye on everyone making their way towards the back entrance.

"Fuck." I muttered, as they went through the door. I felt like shit, like I needed to be doing something. I wanted to help, but instead I was sat here with the person who made all this possible. Still, now wasn't the time to argue. Instead, I stood up and started pacing.

"They'll be okay." Kate said. "But I have a plan of my own."

I looked at her, and frowned. "What?"

"They never would have let me go ahead with it." She said.

I waited for her to expand on what she meant by that. "Well, what is it, then?"

"Do you trust me?" She asked.

I looked away from her. Well, I trusted the old Kate. I wouldn't have hesitated to say yes before, but after what she did, I wasn't so sure.

"Honestly, I don't know, Kate." I said, and turned to her only to see her fist come flying towards my face.

Everything went black.


I came around, my head throbbing right at my temple. I struggled to remember what had happened. I'd been with Kate, talking, and then-

She'd knocked me unconscious.

Shit, I knew we shouldn't have trusted her.

The next thing I became aware of was that I was being half-dragged-half-carried somewhere. I managed to open my eyes, just enough to see the white-washed walls of a corridor I'd recognise anywhere. I tried to ask what was going on, but it all came out as a mumble. I knew my head hurt, but why couldn't I move?

"Trust me, Millie." I heard Kate say quietly. "It's all under control."

Under control?! I wanted to scream in her face. What the hell was she doing? I was as good as dead now.

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