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---------- Millie ----------

I almost couldn't help myself from laughing at the doctor's face. He didn't know what to think. What to believe. How was it that I was walking towards him? I should be dead.

But I wasn't.

I took advantage of the doctor's shock, and shot my hand forward, releasing the ice that had supposedly been trapped within my body for a few days now. It caught him right in the centre of his chest, and knocked him down onto the floor, but then his body started to glow red in response. I realised then that the level of control the doctor had wasn't necessarily about control- somehow he'd managed to program his power to respond to his bodily needs. So it wasn't even him doing the work- it was his experiment.

The doctor waved his hand, projecting a gust of wind at me and knocking me to the side- I managed to stop myself from falling over, though. The doctor then channelled a huge plume of fire at me. Before it could hit me, I fired back with the ice. I could feel the heat from his strange, contaminated fire against my face, and knew it would burn me if I let it get any closer.

But I wasn't going to let that happen.

I didn't even mean for it to happen, but as I continued to fire the ice at him, it started to seep into my skin again. First, it coated my hands, then it continued up past my elbows and up my neck. I felt it coat my entire body, turning me into a strange, crystalline glass figure that could move. I wondered what I looked like for a second, but then turned my attention back to the issue at hand. I could look in the mirror later.

I took a step forward, and then another, pushing against the fire until I reached the doctor.

I grabbed his neck with my icy hands, and squeezed. Immediately, the fire stopped, and my body started to return back to normal flesh and bones. Both the doctor and I fell to the ground, but my hands remained around his neck.

But that wasn't the end. The doctor was persistent, and certainly wasn't giving up easily. He kicked upwards, kneeing me right in the stomach with an unnatural strength. I heard something crack, before pain radiated in my rib area. I ended up falling to the side, clutching my rib as I did so, and the doctor dragged himself away.

"I have to admit." The doctor said, getting up from the ground, breathing heavily. "I admire your strength. If it weren't for the fact that you've been nothing but a pain in my arse, I'd probably take you back to the lab with me."

"I was the one that gave you this power." I said, thinking that even he must realise what a valuable asset I've been in his experiments. Without me, he wouldn't have all this power.

Then it clicked.

The power running through his veins may have been made in his lab, but before that, it was mine.

I smiled. "Now I'm gonna be the one to take it away."

The doctor lost all amusement on his face, as he realised what I was saying. I mean, I wasn't even sure if I could take his power back, but I could sure as hell try.

He projected a magnetic field at me, but with a new wave of confidence, I deflected it, brushing it aside like an old cobweb. I continued to walk towards him, and he kept stepping away from me, trying to hit me with something elemental, but nothing worked.

He tripped over a loose bit of concrete, probably from the fountain he'd destroyed, and fell to the ground, right on his arse.

I stepped over him, and grabbed his neck again, this time pulling him up from the ground. The metal aided me in this, giving me enough strength to lift him one handed. His face started to flush red, and his fingers tried to tackle mine, but nothing he did worked. First, he tried to burn me, but I only called my own fire in response and thought back to what happened with Ellie. I'd done a similar thing there.

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