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Once again, I landed heavily and not on my feet. I didn't vomit, though- not that there would have been anything left to throw up, anyway. The floor I'd landed on was white washed, and it occurred to me then that the doctor had managed to teleport into his own lab, where Dreamwalkers couldn't.

"Clever, right?" He asked, as if reading my thoughts. "I managed to devise a way that would let my Dreamwalkers teleport into the complex, whilst keeping your ones out."

I took a look around, trying to figure out where we were, because I didn't recognise it. It was a little like the room I'd been in with Ronan, where the doctor had taken my powers. Except there was only one dentist chair in the middle, with a few machines dotted around. There were also glass walls all around us, and through the glass I could see loads of computers and buttons.

This had to be the control room.

"Your friends are on their way here, as we speak." The doctor said, proceeding to turn on all the machines. "But by the time they get here, it will be too late." He paused. "For them, anyway." The doctor took his jacket off, and then rolled up his sleeve, before injecting himself with a clear liquid. "Have you figured it out yet?"

My mind flashed back to when Kate said he was creating the ultimate super soldier, with possibly more powers than I used to have. But he wasn't planning on giving anyone else that power.

Only himself.

"You see, at first I decided I wanted the Dreamwalker powers. The power to teleport. It has certainly come in very handy." The doctor continued, and perched on the edge of the dentist chair. He then injected another thing into his arm- this time, the liquid was a translucent red. "But when I came across you, I realised there was potential to create a serum that would give an individual multiple powers." He held up one final syringe, this time with blue contents. "That's what this one is for." He jabbed it into his arm, and his jaw clenched. Clearly, it was beginning to hurt him.

He then laid back onto the chair, and switched a button on a machine next to him. Then, he attached a needle to his arm that was connected to the machine.

"Now, there's absolutely nothing you can do but watch." He said, and closed his eyes. I wondered whether I could just unplug the machine, but then I noticed a red film seem to materialise around the doctor and in front of me. I reached out to touch it, but flinched back when it zapped me.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." The doctor said, not opening his eyes. "It'll hurt."

"Fuck." I muttered. The red film seemed to be acting as a shield of sorts, and protected the doctor from all directions. It also prevented me from reaching the control rooms.

He was right. There was absolutely nothing I could do but watch.

So I watched.


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