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--- 3 days later ---

"Has anyone noticed your new eye colour?" Jake asked, as I packed my bag for uni whilst munching on a piece of toast.

I was late.

"Nope." I said. "Except you and the other guys, obviously."

I swung my bag on my back, and shoved another bite of toast in my mouth.

"I guess that's a bonus." Jake said.

I nodded in agreement, and chuckled. "Yeah. I don't really know what I would have told people."

"What did your parents say about your hair?" Jake asked.

I'd spent the weekend with my parents, who'd come up to London to see me. I hadn't seen them since the beginning of term, and thought it would be good to have some familiar company that wasn't Argent related for once. Plus, I missed them.

I shrugged. "They were surprised, but they liked it." I shoved my dirty plate on the side. "Anyway, I'm late. I'll see you later."

"Bye, Mills." Jake said, and I hurried out the door.

I met Kate at the uni gates.

"Hey, Mills." She said, and started walking with me.

"Hey. You okay?" I asked.

Kate nodded. "Yeah. And you?"

I nodded back. "All good." I said. "Not felt anything weird at all?"

Kate chuckled. "Millie, I'm absolutely fine. What you did, I think it was permanent."

I hoped it would be, but there was always the worry that it wasn't. That one day, Kate's body would just reject it all of a sudden.

"If I do feel anything strange, you will be the first to know." She assured me, as if sensing my worry.

I smiled.

Ronan had made sure to destroy absolutely everything that documented the existence of Argent Eyes in Doctor Geralds' lab, including all his serums and machines. He did think about tracking down all the elementals who'd worked with the doctor, but in the end we thought it better to just leave them be. If they caused trouble, then that would be another matter, but if they were smart, they'd be sure to keep their heads down. They didn't have a doctor to guide them anymore, or to give them medicines if they were struggling with their powers. They'd just have to make do on their own.

I'd seen Ellie around a couple of times, although she didn't want to talk- she'd just turn in the opposite direction. I had a feeling she wouldn't ever get over it all, and that she'd always see it as my fault.

I mean, I would quite happily take all responsibility for what happened to Doctor Geralds.

Kate and I walked into the lecture theatre early, although Irina had already set up everything and was sitting at the front, waiting.

"Hi, girls." She said, smiling as we went to tap in our attendance.

"Hi." I said.

"How's everything?" She asked.

"Good." Kate and I both said in unison, and laughed. We then took our seats near the front of the theatre, and delved into an ordinary lecture, feeling anything but.


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