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It seemed to take ages to get to David's office. It was only about ten minutes away, but I felt drained. I wished that I'd got Ronan to take me with him, but I didn't know how long he'd be with Lydia and Rob. I also thought that I'd want some air to clear my head, but it wasn't doing what I'd hoped it would. The walking only seemed to make my head throb and my knees shake.

When I reached the building where David's office was, I sighed. The elevator was out of order. The one time I felt too exhausted to walk up stairs, and this happens.

It was a chore. I should have got Ronan to take me straight home- I needed to rest. I wondered what I'd been drugged with. Whatever it was, it had been fast to work. I barely remember any time between feeling the sharp pinprick on my neck to my face hitting the ground. It was also dark. It hadn't taken me ages to get out of there, meaning I had to have been unconscious for virtually the entire day.

Not to mention the fact that I'd used my powers a lot. More than I'd done so in a long time.

On an empty stomach.

I reached the top, way more out of breath than I should have been. David's office was on the fourth floor, but this was an old building. The ceilings were extremely high, so each flight of stairs was longer than average.

I raised my fist to knock on the door- I could hear him talking inside. I thought I could hear Irina in there as well.

However, before I could even knock, it was like my body just gave up.

My knees gave way, and everything went black before I'd even hit the floor.


I opened my eyes.

I was laying on a sofa, in David's office. The first person I saw was Irina, who was sat holding a cup of coffee, her back turned slightly towards me.

"We just found her laying in the corridor." She said, and I followed her gaze to Ronan who was standing in the far corner. "Do you know what happened?"

"No." Ronan said. "I had to get the other two help- she said she'd meet me here."

"She's here now." I said, although my voice was croaky. All heads turned to look at me, before Ronan and Irina immediately swarmed over.

"Are you okay?" Irina asked, her face riddled with worry.

I tried my best to muster a smile. "I'm good." I sat up slowly, my muscles feeling tight and sore.

David came over then. "What happened?" He asked.

"Long story." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well, you've kept us here till late as it is, so what's another hour?" David chuckled. I peered up at the clock in his room- 2am.

"Shit." I said. "How long was I out for?"

"About four hours." Irina said, her Russian accent stronger than usual. "We were getting worried."

I clenched my teeth. "Sorry."

"Here." Ronan said, and I realised he was handing me a steaming mug of tea.

"Thanks." I said, taking it gratefully and cupping my hands round it.

"So come on, then." David said. "What's the verdict? How much shit are we all in?"

I chuckled a little. "A lot."

And so I told the entire story, starting from when I was on my way to meet Kate for breakfast, to waking up in a cell, to Doctor Geralds and then to Lydia and Rob. Of course, as I was recalling the story, I realised I'd never asked about them- Ronan assured me that they were at home, resting, and would be absolutely fine. I then concluded with breaking out and finally calling Ronan.

The only thing I didn't mention was that I thought Kate might have had something to do with it. I didn't want to openly throw accusations around until I was absolutely sure, and even if it was her, it was something I needed to sort out myself. I didn't want David or Irina getting involved with that.

"So this Doctor Geralds." Irina began. "He knew about you? About your elements?"

I shook my head. "He thought I only had ice, which is why I was able to break free of the handcuffs."

"But now he knows." Ronan said, concerned. "He knows you have control over all the elements- or, at least more than the usual. That makes you a target."

I hadn't really thought about it like that. I just pursed my lips together.

"You should probably stay at home." Ronan said. "Until we get this mess cleared up."

I looked at him, narrowing my eyes. "You want me to stay at home, and do nothing?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"What about uni?"

"Your safety is more important." He stated.

"My sanity is more important." I retorted. "There's no way I'm just going to sit at home and wait until this all blows over."

"Millie-" Ronan began.

"Let's not get into an argument." David interrupted. "Look, Ronan is right."

"See." Ronan said, like a child.

I shot David a look.

"But." David continued. "So is Millie."

Ronan then gave him a look as well.

"Hear me out." David put his hands up in defence. "Millie will be a target, but what use is she gonna be sat at home? She's probably our most powerful asset at the moment. I think we need her."

I appreciated David trying to stick up for me, even if he did refer to me as an asset.

"But-" Ronan began.

"Ronan." David interrupted again. "Millie is not going to stay at home, even if you tell her to. You know that as well as I do."

Both Irina and I gave each other a sideways glance, amused.

Ronan sighed. "God dammit." He said. "You're right."

"I know." David said smugly.

Ronan then glared at me, a little amused. "But don't do anything without consulting me. Understand?"

I nodded. "Of course."

"Meanwhile, we need to think of a plan." Ronan said. "Which can wait until tomorrow. I think we all need some rest."

"Absolutely." Irina said, standing up. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?" She asked me.

I smiled. "I'm fine. I just need to sleep."

"Okay." She said. "I'll see you all tomorrow."

"Bye." We all said, and she left. David was just grabbing his jacket.

"I'll drop you back." Ronan said, and held out his hand.

I took it.


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