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I walked home on my own, the sun just beginning to set, leaving the skies a bright orange. I'd managed to get both of my eyes to stop glowing after another hour, and then I'd thought it best to go home and get some rest. The same went for Kate, and everyone else for that matter.

Despite the fatigue, I walked with a skip in my step. It was like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Not just my shoulders, actually- my whole body. It helped that my powers were back, too. I could feel them thrumming through my body, as if they were also glad to be back. I definitely wouldn't take them for granted again.

I stepped through the front door, and looked through to see all the guys sitting in the living room.

"Hey." I called through, closing the door. They turned to me.

"Woah." Jake said. "Did you dye your hair?"

I smiled. "Fancied a change."

Andy and Tom looked then. "Ooh, it looks nice." Andy said. "Suits you."

"Thanks." I said, and walked into the kitchen to put the oven on. I was hungry, and knew that I had chips in the freezer.

Of course, Jake came in.

"Um, what's with the hair?" He asked, keeping his voice down. "And the good mood?" He stepped closer. "Hang on a second." He said. "You have two silver eyes."

I grinned. "It was a good day."

Jake gasped, and then smiled. "Did you get your powers back?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I said.

"Did you dye your hair?" He asked for the second time.

I shook my head. "When I got my powers back, I was able to fuse with the ice. Like, my entire body did. It changed my hair colour."

"Fuse?" Jake asked. I realised then that I had a lot to catch him up on- everything had been so hectic that I hadn't had much of a chance to fill him in on the details. But, I couldn't talk about it too much with the other guys in the living room. They were bound to overhear something.

"I'll tell you all about it later." I said. "When the others have gone to bed."

Jake nodded. "Okay."

I ate my chips whilst watching the movie the guys had put on in the living room, assuming the others would go to bed afterwards.

I didn't realise I'd gone to sleep until I felt a gentle nudge on my shoulder. I frowned, and opened my eyes to see Jake standing there.

"Hey." He whispered. "You wanna explain to me in the morning? You look exhausted."

I smiled, still feeling drowsy. "I think that would be good."

"Okay." He said, giving me a hand to my feet. "Night, Millie." He said.

"Goodnight." I said, and trudged upstairs to bed.


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