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---------- Millie ----------

I would have fallen over had the doctor not been gripping my arm so hard. Just before Ronan and the others had appeared at the door, the doctor had gone through some sort of change. He'd been in a lot of pain, as his injections and machine did they're work, but then when he woke, he was absolutely fine.

More than fine, in fact.

For some reason, the doctor thought it would be a good idea to kill me in Greenwich. In fact, it wasn't far from the Thames, where Haydn had drowned me.

Coincidence? Or just meant to be?

I hoped that Kate was okay. In fact, I hoped that everyone was okay.

"What now?" I asked, as the doctor half dragged me and threw me down onto a bench, right next to the fountains in the Naval College.

"We wait." He said.

"For what?" I asked. Not that I was really complaining at the fact that he was delaying my inevitable death, but I was curious.

The doctor didn't answer me, though, but instead seemed to be fascinated with his hands. I noticed then that they were glowing- one minute orange, the next green, then blue. Then, the fire materialised in his hand, followed by a green orb, and then the sparking ice. At the sight of the ice, I suddenly had a sense of longing to have it back. I sighed, but the doctor was grinning.

"This feels incredible." He said. "Imagine feeling like this everyday." He then looked at me. "I suppose you did. Sorry about that."

"It's all fake." I said, and rolled my eyes, having had enough of his shit. "Your power is just fake. Like a cheap can of beans."

He chuckled. "What an odd reference."

It was a bit random, but it was the first thing that popped in my head. "I had the branded Heinz beans." I said. "Your powers are like Asda's own beans. Cheap and shit."

"I can tell you right now that my powers are far from fake, Millie." He said, and came close to me, his hand on fire. I could feel the heat as he brought his hand closer and closer to my cheek. "Does that feel fake to you?"

"Stop!" I heard Ronan shout, just before the doctor was going to burn my face.

"Ah, there you are!" The doctor laughed, pulling his hand away and extinguishing the fire.

I turned to see Ronan standing there with Irina and David either side of him.

Shit. I'd really hoped they wouldn't be here- it was extremely likely that after the doctor killed me, he'd kill them as well.

"Finally, now we can get started." The doctor said, rubbing his hands together eagerly.

Irina didn't hesitate to step forward and throw something resembling a tidal wave, but made of air, at the doctor. But it was like the doctor knew it was coming, and he threw his own version of that at Irina.

His air seemed to slice through Irina's, and she was knocked backwards several feet.

How was it that this dude, who'd seemingly had his powers no longer than five minutes, was able to manipulate the elements with such ferocity and skill? How was it that he was able to overpower Irina?

Because they're fake, I thought. I then began to wonder whether I'd got the bean reference the wrong way round. What if our powers were the cheap Asda ones, and he's the one with the branded can?

I got up from the bench, and ran over to her, but not before the doctor grabbed the back of my collar. He yanked me back with a strength I wasn't prepared for, causing me to stumble back and onto the ground. It knocked the air out of me, and for a second I couldn't breathe.

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