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I was in the labs, doing work by myself, when I spotted her.

She had her hair tied up in a ponytail, and was working in a group. Of course, she looked different than when I'd last seen her. She was no longer smoking like a chimney, and her eyes weren't streaming- or should I say, steaming- with tears. Her veins weren't glowing with lava.

She looked up from her computer and directly at me then, as if she knew I was staring, but then frowned and got back on with her work. She then looked back at me, seeing if I was still staring, and of course I was.

She shuffled in her seat, and once again ignored me.

I turned back to my own computer, wondering what I should do. Should I approach her? Certainly not in front of her friends. Maybe I could catch her as she was leaving, or if she went to the bathrooms at all.

Over the next hour, I couldn't help but keep staring at this girl. I wondered whether she'd come over to me at some point, but she didn't.

Not at first, anyway.

Then, about two hours after I'd first spotted her, she walked over.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

I looked to the side, and then back at her. "Um..." I began, not sure what to say.

"It's just, you keep staring at me and it's making me feel uncomfortable." She said.

I frowned. "Are you okay?" I asked, genuinely wondering. I mean, had she nearly exploded again? Was she under control of her powers? Did she even have powers?

She seemed confused by my question. "I guess." She shrugged.

"I mean, after what happened the other day?" I lowered my voice.

She looked at me, with a blank expression on her face.

"In the toilets?" I asked. "With the fire?"

"You've lost me." She said. "Do I know you from somewhere? Besides uni? Because I don't think we've ever spoken before."

"You mean, you don't remember?" I asked.

"Did we hook up the other night?" She asked. "Because I literally don't remember anything from that night." She chuckled, perhaps a little embarrassed.

"What? No!" I shook my head. "Are you telling me you don't remember what happened the other day in the girls toilets? You know, when the fire alarm went off?"

She looked up in thought. "Oh, I did hear about that." She said, then frowned. "But I wasn't even here. I skipped class that day."

I wanted to push her, to get her to remember, however a part of me believed that she actually didn't know anything about it. Either that, or she was just incredibly good at hiding things. Had her mind somehow been wiped?

I chuckled. "Oh, sorry, I must have been thinking about someone else."

She didn't seem to bothered, and smiled. "That's okay." And with that, she turned and returned back to her computer.

I tried to start working again, but I was too confused.

I packed up my things and left.


I met Ronan for training that evening, and explained what happened in class.

"How is it that she doesn't remember a thing?" I asked. "Does she even have fire powers anymore?"

"Are you sure she wasn't lying to you?" Ronan asked.

"Yeah." I said. "I mean, she could have been, but she'd have to be a pretty good liar. She seemed legit to me."

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