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We ran down an alley with one final burst of adrenaline, until we realised the guards were no longer following us.

We stopped- I could see cars whizzing past the entrance to the alley, so we had to be near somewhere public. Although, it was dark. I wondered how long we'd been in there- I must have dropped my phone at some point, too. Either that, or it had been taken. I struggled to catch my breath- not only because I was exhausted, but because we'd been so close to being captured that my adrenaline levels had been through the roof, and now they'd crashed back down.

The man was bent over the woman, who he'd placed gently on the ground. I ran over. "Is she okay?" I asked, then looked at him. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "I think we will be fine." He said. "But she needs medical attention."

"I think you both do." I said, and then tried reaching out to Ronan again.

"My name's Rob." The man said. "I think this is Lydia- we've crossed paths a couple of times in the lab."

"I'm Millie." I said.

"Thank you." He said, and shook his head. "I- I don't- just... thank you."

I smiled. "You're welcome."

Ronan appeared then, and ran over. "What's going on? What happened? Are you alright?" He asked, trying to take in the situation.

"Where have you been?" I asked, perhaps a little sharp.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, and I realised then that he had no idea I'd been calling him.

"It doesn't work, in there." Rob said, tapping the side of his head. "No calling your Dreamwalkers."

Ronan was blinking hard and fast. "In where?"

"I'll explain everything." I said. "But these two need help. I'll meet you back at David's."

Ronan nodded, and then vanished with the other two.

I sat on the floor for a moment, still trying to get my breath back. My wrists were dark with bruises that the cuffs had left, and my shoulders felt strained. I also had bruises where the guards had grabbed me at the top of my arms, and I could feel that my cheek was tender from where I fell.

Relief flooded me, as it suddenly hit me what could have happened. I could have quite possibly died in there. Or worse, not been able to escape. Whoever that doctor was, he knew a lot and obviously was willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted.

I stood up, my legs feeling a little like jelly, but I was still able to walk when I concentrated enough. I exited the alley, and realised we were still in Greenwich. I could see the peaks of the naval college buildings from here. All this time, and it was happening right under our noses.

I walked to David's office, hoping that he would be in there.


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