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As soon as we landed in David's office, Ronan set to work to stop the bleeding.

"Oh my god!" Irina threw her hands in the air. "There you are! What-" she stopped speaking when she saw Kate and the blood. Then she saw Ronan, alive and well. Her eyes remained wide open, as did everyone else's, as they watched the events of the next few seconds unfold in silence, not wanting to disturb or get in the way. Ronan disappeared for a few seconds, and then reappeared holding all kinds of bandages and other medical looking things.

I went over to Kate. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." I said, taking hold of her hand. Ronan had laid her down on David's sofa, on her belly, so that he could work on her back. I bent down so that I could look into her eyes. "You're gonna be fine. Ronan has it under control."

A tear made its way down her face and splashed onto the carpet. "Millie, I'm so sorry." She said. "I-"

"Shhh." I stressed, not wanting her to waste her energy on talking but rather staying alive. "It's okay." I said. "I forgive you. It doesn't matter anymore."

She seemed satisfied with what I just said, managing to muster a smile, before her eyes closed. She was still breathing, though, and I realised then that Ronan had put her to sleep with his hypnosis.

"She will heal much better asleep." He said. "I've managed to stop the bleeding. Now it's just a case of waiting."

I nodded, slumping back onto the floor. My hands were shaking, as was my breathing. Now, we had to wait for the fake Prometheum to do its thing and either give Kate a power or try to kill her. Or both, it seemed, if she got a power and then her body couldn't handle it. If I still had my powers, I'd be able to help her if that happened, like I'd helped Ellie, but now it was entirely down to Kate to try and maintain herself or give in.

I then looked up, and noticed the others staring at me. Rob and Lydia weren't here- I assumed they'd gone home. Saxon was also not here. Just David and Irina, who both shared expressions of irritation and perhaps even a bit of anger. I didn't miss the relief, though, even if it was hidden behind their other emotions. They looked exhausted, though. Irina had a deep looking cut going down her forearm, and a bruise was beginning to bloom on her cheek. David had a red burn beginning to blister on his arm, and a couple of other bruises dotted about. Other than that, they looked fine. Alive, at least.

"That was incredibly stupid." David said bluntly, his arms folded over his chest.

"And reckless." Irina added.

I put my hands up. "Hang on a minute." I said. "You don't even know what happened yet."

"It seems pretty self explanatory to me." Irina scoffed. "You went in with no back up. No powers. Nothing."

"I didn't get any choice in the matter!" I exclaimed. "You see this?" I pointed to the tender patch on my temple, which I assumed was turning purple. "This is where Kate punched me in the head before drugging me up with some paralytic shit. She dragged me in there herself."

Both David and Irina seemed taken aback. "Say what, now?" David asked.

"Yeah. Don't go pointing fingers till you know the full story." I scolded, and then continued to tell them about what happened. It didn't take long to explain that Kate had set the whole thing up, allowing me to rescue Ronan and escape, except it had all gone to shit at the last hurdle.

"Jesus." David sighed, rubbing his forehead. Of course, there was nothing he or Irina could say to me. It really wasn't my fault this time.

"Anyway." I said. "What happened on your part?"

"It all went to shit." David said, getting straight to the point as usual. "We managed to get through the door, only to be met by a dozen guards in black. They tried shooting, but luckily Irina and Lydia were able to stop the bullets whilst the rest of us worked on knocking them all down." He paused to take a breath. "Turns out that was the easy bit. Next thing we knew, there were about ten other people, all with powers. They were way stronger than we anticipated, for sure. Lydia got knocked down, which was when we started to realise that things were getting serious. Rob was next, and so we decided to turn back. Saxon made the call- we needed more people. We got out of there, and Saxon took us straight back to where we left you and Kate."

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