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---------- Ronan ----------

I felt bad as soon as I left Millie and Kate, but there was nothing that could be done. Millie would most definitely get herself killed if she got involved. I did begin to wonder whether she would get her powers back, or whether Doctor Geralds' experiment had made it permanent. I thought that perhaps, after a while, they would return, but so far Millie seemed adamant that they weren't coming back. At least, not any time soon.

I took Irina and David with me, and we landed in a location not too far from the university. This was where I'd arranged to meet everyone, and for a moment, I worried that no one would turn up. But, when we appeared, there were already a fair few people here.

I spotted Saxon, and waved. He came over.

"How's it going, brother?" He asked, and shook my hand.

I nodded in response. "Did you get many people?" I asked.

He nodded. "These guys." He motioned to the group of six people behind him. "What about you?"

"These two, with a few more on the way." I said. I'd gone straight to Millie's home town and asked if Stella was willing to join the fight, and she hadn't hesitated to agree after she'd heard about the situation with Millie. I had another Dreamwalker friend who was going to pick her up, and some others.

"Good." Saxon said, nodding. "This is gonna work, right?"

I gave Saxon a hard look. "It has to." I said. "Otherwise, I don't know what we're gonna do."

Saxon seemed satisfied with my shitty answer, just as a few other groups of people appeared. Saxon went around and introduced himself to everyone, before I spotted Stella. She looked nervous, but at the same time, like she was ready for this.

"Hi, Ronan." She said, walking up to me. "It's good to see you again, although perhaps not the best circumstances."

"And you." I said. "Stella, this is Irina."

"Hi." She said, and Irina smiled in return. Of course, David had met Stella last year in the Haydn predicament. I was confident that if Millie had her powers, this would have been over a long time ago. I was almost certain that she could have overcome the doctor before he'd had chance to get to where he is now. Somehow, the doctor had outsmarted us all.

Still, there was a chance that we could get to him tonight before he created this ultimate super soldier bullshit.

"Okay, everyone!" Saxon called, grabbing everyone's attention. I looked up- there were probably about thirty people standing here, all eager to get started on whatever mission this was. "I'm sorry you've been called out here tonight, but we have an emergency on our hands. You all know the details, but I'm going to go over the plan one more time. We will split into groups of six. Each group will have their own mission, and will stick to that mission. If things aren't looking good for any of your team members, get yourselves out. The goal is to reach the doctor, but nothing comes above your own safety. If any of you come across him, you do not hesitate. No matter what he says to you, you do not second guess yourself. You put him down. Does anyone have any objections to that?"

The entire crowd remained silent.

"Okay, good." Saxon said. "When I give the signal, you all leave."

Saxon came over to us. Rob and Lydia followed, so that in our team, it was myself, Irina, David, Rob, Lydia and Stella.

"You guys know what you're doing?" Saxon asked.

I nodded. "Get to the control room."

"Correct." Saxon said. "Your team will be in cooperation with that team over there-" He pointed to the group next to us. "-who will be providing the distractions for you guys. The most likely location we have for the doctor is the control room, so it will probably be up to you guys to end him. Your main goal, aside from that, is to find out how to open all the doors, and if you can, turn off his security shit. When you've done that, get out of there. Understood?"

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