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I hadn't hung out with Kate for a long time- we saw each other in lectures and classes, and when we did, it was as if nothing was wrong, but outside of uni, we never saw each other. It had been about a week since the whole flaming student incident, and with work piling up, it didn't seem too out of the ordinary not to have a social life. But, despite this, I knew something was up.

And quite frankly, I'd like to know what. Especially if it was personal.

"Hey, Kate." I said, approaching her as we packed away our things after a lesson.

"What's up, Millie?" She asked, like there was no tension between us. To anyone watching, it would seem as if things were normal.

"Um, I just... I can't help but feel like things are off between us." I said.

She looked at me. "What makes you say that?"

A little annoyance bubbled up inside me then, because it was quite obvious what was making me say it, and she knew it. Still, I didn't let it show. "I dunno, I guess we haven't hung out in a long time." I said.

"What do you mean?" She chuckled, and we started walking out of the classroom together. "We are literally together all the time."

"Yeah, at uni." I said. "Other than that, we never see each other."

Kate chuckled again, seemingly amused. "We have so much work to do at the moment, of course we haven't hung out much. I thought you would be the one telling me that."

I sighed a little, because I knew that this conversation wasn't going to go anywhere. Whatever problems Kate had with me, she didn't want to discuss them. "I guess." Was all I said, a little annoyed. Perhaps even a little upset.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said, again like nothing was amiss, and she turned down the corridor and left me. That was the other thing she was doing at the moment- we no longer met in the mornings to walk to uni together, and she'd always leave me mid way through the corridor to go home a different way, so that we couldn't walk the majority of the way home together. It was like she was finding every excuse not to talk to me.

"You okay, Millie?"

I turned to see Irina walking towards me, a stack of papers in her hand.

"Yeah." I sighed. "They look fun." I said, motioning to the papers and forgetting about Kate for a moment.

She smiled, and rolled her eyes. "Peter has got me marking first year essays."

"That was nice of him." I chuckled.

"You haven't heard anything more from that girl?" She asked.

After I'd seen the girl in the lab, I'd told Ronan and then of course, when I saw David and Irina next, I told them as well. About how she didn't seem to remember a thing. I shook my head. "Nope. I haven't even seen her."

Irina pursed her lips. "It's all so strange." She said, and then Ronan appeared. Although, he didn't appear out of nowhere- he actually walked through a door and towards us.

I frowned. "Why are you walking?" I asked.

"Very funny." He said, approaching us. "There are too many people about to teleport. Hi, Irina."

Irina smiled.

I looked around, and indeed noticed that there were a few people. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

Ronan kept his voice low. "I saw the girl." He said. "The fiery one."

"You did?" I asked. "We were just talking about her."

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