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The next time I came to, the aching had subsided substantially. My head no longer hurt- just my muscles. I clenched a fist, just to make sure I could still move and feel, and was relieved that I could. In fact, I also felt like I was on something soft and cushiony. I guess now that the doctor had what he wanted, he could spare a sofa to let me recover on. Or it may have even been a bed- I wasn't sure. My hands and feet were no longer bound. I was no longer a threat to him. Just an ordinary student. A helpless girl.

"I can't get hold of Ronan." I heard a woman's voice say. I recognised it, but for some reason my thoughts were all jumbled and I couldn't quite place who it was.

"He might just be busy." Another voice said- male, this time.

"Who's Ronan?" Another woman's voice. I recognised all of the voices. I was certain that the male voice wasn't the doctor, and the fact that they were unable to get hold of Ronan confirmed that it couldn't have been. These people were talking as if they were trying to drop him a text.

"Millie's Dreamwalker." The first female voice said. I noticed the slight Russian accent, and that was when it bugged me. I knew that voice.

"I've messed up so bad, haven't I?" The other girl said.

"You did the right thing." The man said. "Probably saved her, in fact."

I wanted to open my eyes, but it seemed as though they were glued shut, and too heavy. I still felt exhausted, and so once more I let sleep take me.


My eyes finally flickered open.

"Still nothing?" The male voice said- it was David. But what was David doing here?

I blinked a few times, and then realised I wasn't in the doctor's lab. I was in a familiar room, laying on a familiar sofa. I turned my head to see Irina and David sat opposite each other, at David's desk. They looked pale, like they hadn't slept in a while.

"Nothing." Irina said, shaking her head.

"We'll just have to wait for Millie to wake-" David looked over at me then, and noticed that I was awake. Immediately he stood up, and came over. Irina looked, and did likewise.

"Oh my god, Millie, are you okay?" Irina asked.

I frowned, still aching a bit, and made an effort to sit up. "How did I get here?" I asked. "Where's Ronan?"

Irina and David both exchanged a glance. "We were hoping you would know." David said.

"You mean... he's still there?" My heart started pounding in my chest.

"Where?" Irina asked. "Millie, where were you? What happened?"

"I was at the lab." I said, still feeling panicked. "But not the lab. Not the one from before. Ronan and I, we went to a party of Doctor Geralds. It was all my idea. Shit, he said we shouldn't have, and now he's trapped-"

"Millie." Irina said firmly.

I looked at her, trying not to cry. Crying wouldn't solve this.

"Slowly, please." She said.

I took a few deep breaths. I then noticed the absence of my powers when I felt a drought pass over my arms, causing me to shiver. Goosebumps began to decorate the surface of my arms, and I rubbed them, feeling cold.

"Are you cold?" Irina asked, slightly concerned.

I nodded, trying to access the fire. Nothing. I felt another breeze wash over my skin then, but this time it was warm.

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