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I walked home in a good mood, still buzzing a little from my lightning journey, although it seemed I'd brought an unforecast storm into London. Lucky it wasn't too out of the ordinary this time of year.

When I got home, I went straight upstairs and cracked on with uni work that should have been started a while ago, taking advantage of my good mood. I wasn't sure how hectic things were going to get this term, what with the doctor situation seemingly taking up a lot of time.

A couple of hours in, and Jake came home. He came upstairs to my room.

"Hey, Mills." He said. "How's it going?"

"Not too bad, thanks." I said.

"You seem in a better mood." He pointed out.

I chuckled. "Had a good day."

He smiled. "Good. I'm glad."

"How about you?" I asked.

Jake sighed, and slumped onto my bed, laying backwards with his hands over his eyes. "Honestly, I had a bit of a shit day."

I put my pen down and frowned. "How come?"

"I mean, it started off pretty good. I handed in a proposal for a project, my tutors liked it. But then, we all went for drinks at the pub."

"With your tutors?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah." Jake said. "A lot of the design tutors do that. But I got into a bit of an argument with one."

"What about?"

"I just... I don't even know. You know when you know that someone is wrong? But there's absolutely nothing you can say or do to persuade them otherwise?"

I nodded, and chuckled. "Yeah."

"Well, it was that kind of situation." He said.

"Oh dear." I said.

"We'd all had a few drinks, which probably didn't help the situation." He added, with an amused smirk. "But, I think she'll get over it."

"I'm sure she will." I said, waving a hand.

Jake sat up, and looked at the pile of papers scattered over my desk. "I should probably do some work too." He stood up. "I'll see you later." He saluted.

"Bye." I said, and continued writing.


I was walking to uni when I saw her- the fire girl. She was staring at her phone screen as she walked, not really paying much attention to the outside world. She walked in the opposite direction, towards me.

An idea popped into my head, but it would only work if she didn't know who I was. If Doctor Geralds hadn't told her about me.

I purposefully walked at her. She still hadn't noticed me.

Then, I bumped into her.

I gasped. "Oh, sorry!" I exclaimed, as her phone toppled out of her hands and clattered onto the concrete.

She gasped too. "Shit." She said.

"Oh shit, is it broken?" I asked, bending down to pick it up.

She also bent down to pick it up, so that our hands both landed on the phone. I channelled a short burst of fire from my hand to hers, and she sucked in a breath. I then made quick eye contact, my orange eye alight for a second so that it seemed as though it were by accident.

She looked at me.

I looked away, as if trying to hide my eye as it returned back to normal.

"I'm so sorry." I said, standing up, and quickly turned to walk away.

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