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You know what, you're right. We haven't met in a while- breakfast before uni tomorrow?

This was the text I got last night from Kate- where I thought our conversation had been meaningless, and that Kate didn't want to talk about things, it seemed I was wrong. Of course I text back immediately to say yes, and we agreed a time and a place.

When I woke, I was a little anxious. I mean, I hoped that Kate was going to tell me what was wrong, but I worried that I was the thing that was wrong. But then, she probably wouldn't want to go to breakfast with me if that was the case.


I was nearly at our meeting place when it happened. It felt like someone had jabbed a sharp pin in the side of my neck, but before I could even reach up to touch the source of the pain, everything started to blur. My limbs started to feel heavy, and weren't doing what I wanted them to. I tried to take a step forward, but then found that the ground seemed to be rushing towards my face-

I landed hard on the concrete, my hips and elbows making first contact, before my cheek. Nobody was about at this time of the morning.

Or so I thought.

Before I completely lost consciousness, I thought I saw two figures run towards me. For a second, I was filled with relief, until I realised that they weren't here to help.

Everything went black.


When my consciousness started to return, the first thing I became aware of was the heat on one of my cheeks. It throbbed, and that was when I remembered the moment I fell on it.

The next thing I realised was that I was laying on a hard surface, and my shoulders hurt. I went to move my arms, but when I couldn't, panic started to set in. They were bound behind me, tight. I could move my fingers, but I was pretty sure that they were encased in something.

I opened my eyes, scared of what I might see, but had to close them immediately for a moment. Everything was bright white. Then, I tried again, slower this time. It hurt for a second, the light in the room intense, but slowly things started to come back into focus.

I was laying on my side, on a white washed floor in a white washed room with my arms stuck behind my back. My whole body felt stiff, especially my neck, and for a moment I struggled to move. I wriggled my legs a bit to get the circulation going, before finally hauling my body up into a sitting position.

The room spun for a moment, and I worried that I might throw up, but the feeling slowly passed.

I was in what looked to be a small cell. Everything was just white. Sickeningly so. I noticed a small camera in the top corner. There was a small window at the top of the door in front of me, but just as I was about to try and get up to take a look, I heard footsteps coming this way.

I waited, as they came closer and closer, before there was a beep and the door swung open.

A man stood there, with a white lab coat on. He was fairly short for a guy- perhaps only a couple of inches taller than I was- and still had a bit of a baby face on him. He had dark hair that had been gelled back, and brown eyes, but very pale skin.

"Welcome back, Millie." He said, with a clipboard hooked in one arm.

I frowned, and opened my mouth to say something, but he silenced me by raising an index finger.

"I understand you may have a lot of questions, but all in good time." He said sharply, and stepped into the cell. I wanted to do something, but a part of me also wanted to know what was going on here. Who was this guy? Where were we? What did he know?

"So." He said, his eyes scanning his clipboard. "We've been keeping an eye on you for a couple of weeks now. It's ice, right?"

I kept my mouth zipped shut. So he knew about Argents? He knew what my element was- or one of them, at least. I could feel the ice surging within, however the moment it reached my fingertips, it seemed to disappear. The handcuffs heated up a little, before cooling back down again.

"I wouldn't bother, if I were you." He said, looking at me. "Those handcuffs behind your back are specifically designed to prevent you from using your ice abilities. The more you try, the more it'll burn."

So, this guy had just made a big mistake. He knew I could control the ice, but nothing else. But I couldn't just burst out of here- I had to know more. I also had to know that I could break out of here. I mean, what if I got past this guy, and there was something- or someone- much worse on the other side? What if this building was impenetrable? Were we even in a building? All my thoughts were jumbled and confused, so much so I didn't trust that I could get myself out.

Not yet, anyway.

"My name is Doctor Geralds." He continued, and then crouched down so that he was eye level with me. "I can see that you're quite new to this world, is that correct?" I could see him looking at my eyes. "Your eye hasn't returned back to it's normal shade. But I guess that's good for me. You'll be easier to contain, and I can see how your test results compare to the others."

The others? How many people were here?

Also, another thing he'd made a mistake on. Normally an Argent's eye would change back to its normal shade within a few weeks of being stabbed with the Black Prometheum. A few months at the most. However, I wasn't any normal Argent. I was still new in the eyes of Ronan, but I was more experienced than this doctor dude thought.

"What do you want?" I asked, although I had an idea.

Doctor Geralds stood up, and chuckled. "Your kind are plaguing our planet." He said flatly. "You think that you should be the only ones to choose who has power?"

"We don't choose." I spat. "It's in our blood. Our genetics."

He thought about that for a second. "Well, not anymore." He said, and started to walk out.

"Wait!" I called, ready to try and make my move before he closed the door. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to get your table set up." He said. "Then you can see exactly what I'm working on."

So did that mean I'd be able to learn more? Possibly. I had to stay. If there were others here, then that meant they were in danger. I had to help.

Doctor Geralds slammed the door.


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