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"We need to find Kate." I said, remembering she'd been left in a car park after the doctor had given her an injection to help her body accept the element. I started walking in the other direction, towards where we'd left her.

Ronan looked at me. "Where is she? Did Doctor Geralds take her as well?"

I nodded. "He took her with me, but her element was starting to work against her. In exchange for a serum for her, I went with the doctor."

"What does the serum do?" Irina asked.

"Helps with the acceptance of the element." I said.

"Was she okay when you left her?" David asked, concerned.

I nodded. "She seemed to be."

"She could be gone by now." Irina said, and indeed, when we turned the corner, Kate was nowhere to be seen.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, but it had been drenched in the Thames. Miraculously, though, it switched on, and so I dialled Kate's number.

"Kate?" I called through the phone when it was answered with silence.

"Millie." Kate said, but she didn't sound good. She sounded out of breath.

"Kate? Are you okay? Where are you?" I asked.

"David's." Was all she said, before there was a loud clattering sound, as if she'd dropped the phone.

I hung up, and looked at the others urgently. "Kate needs help- she's at David's."

Ronan didn't hesitate, and put his hand on my shoulder. Irina and David both held on to him, too, as he teleported us away.

We landed just outside David's office, and immediately ran over to Kate who was laying unconscious on the floor, her phone a few inches in front of her.

"Shit, Kate?" I kneeled down next to her.

She groaned.

"Let's get her inside." David instructed, and so Ronan picked her up and put her down onto the sofa.

She looked pale- deathly so.

She opened her eyes then.

"Hey, Kate." I said, holding her hand.

She smiled a little. "Oh, hey Millie." She said, drowsy. "You're not dead."

I chuckled nervously. "No, I'm not dead." I said.

Kate then grimaced in pain, her teeth clenched together tight as she clutched her belly. I noticed a green light travel up her arms, just under the skin, and up through her neck. When she opened her eyes again, they were shining a brilliant green.

"Millie, you should probably know that I'm gonna die." She said after the wave of pain had passed.

"What? Don't say that." I said. "It might be okay."

Kate looked at me then, her eyes back to normal. "Millie, it won't be." She said flatly. "The doctor purposely made it so that my body would only accept it with the right serum."

I frowned. "But he gave you the serum." I was shaking my head. "I saw him do it."

She shook her head. "Nah, the one he gave me just delayed this."

I turned to look at the others in the room. The looks they gave confirmed that they didn't know about this either. "She's wrong, right?"

Ronan came over then. "I don't know how the process works." He said honestly.

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