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It felt like an entire age had passed. I sat patiently on my cell floor, my legs crossed, trying to gather my thoughts. Trying to establish exactly how much of a mess I was in. I'd tried calling for Ronan several times, in my head. Either he was ignoring me, or the messages simply weren't reaching him.

It had to be this damn room. Or this building. Whatever it was.

I tried to make sense of it all, and the only thing going round in my head was the fact that I had been on my way to meet Kate. Kate had wanted to meet rather spontaneously. The doctor said he'd been keeping an eye on me, meaning he probably knew my timetable by now, but meeting Kate wasn't a regular thing...

But surely she wouldn't do such a thing? Not to mention get involved with such a thing. These were clearly dangerous people. What reason would Kate have to converse with them?

It was difficult not to just use another element to try and escape. I did try and reach out with the metal, but realised there was none here. Either that, or my mental block wasn't as gone as I thought it was.

When I heard footsteps coming towards me, I charged a current of lightning through my body. I knew I would have to react quickly if anything went wrong, and so immediately, my senses sharpened. Although, I couldn't hear the familiar sound of buzzing electricity like I normally would when I did this. They had to have electricity in here somewhere, right?

The door beeped, and Doctor Geralds stood outside, accompanied by two other hurly looking men. The door mechanism definitely sounded electrical. So how come I couldn't sense it?

The doctor frowned. "You haven't moved." He said, seemingly confused. "Normally my patients are exhausted from trying to escape by now."

Well, I wasn't a normal patient. I tried my best to shrug, but it was hard with my hands tied behind my back. "What's the point?" I said.

"Fair enough." Was all he said, and flicked his hand.

The two men came in, and each hooked an arm through one of mine and non-too-gently heaved me up off the floor. I say heaved- my small frame was barely any effort for them.

"Where are we going?" I asked, keeping my eyes wide open. We passed through a corridor, although there were no other doors except the one I'd just come out of. Again, everything was white and polished.

"You'll see." The doctor said.

I sighed inwardly, but didn't say anything as we turned a corner and walked through another set of doors. The men holding my arms didn't loosen their grips at all, and it was beginning to hurt. Not to mention the strange cuffs round my wrists. They were bound to leave bruises.

The doors led to yet another corridor, but this one was lined with doors similar to the one that I'd been locked behind. The way the men were holding me meant I couldn't reach up to look through the little windows, but I didn't need to look to know what was inside.

"Are they the others?" I asked, although I knew.

Doctor Geralds, who'd been walking in front and leading the way, turned his head slightly, acknowledging my question. "Yes." He said.

"How many are here?" I asked.

"Dead or alive ones?" He said, and chuckled. His laughter, along with the statement, made me feel sick. It filled me with dread. "Because we have a selection of both." He finished.

I swallowed the bile that had risen into my mouth, wincing as it stung the back of my throat. What was I going to do? I was pretty certain that I couldn't break all of these people out and escape. I wasn't even sure if I could escape myself. Would it be better for me to leave in the hope of returning for them? Or was that selfish?

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