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I woke early the next morning- for a moment, I forgot about everything that had happened the previous night, but then when I realised I was still wearing my dress, it all came flooding back. The first thing I did was try to call to Ronan, both mentally and with my mobile.


But then again, I couldn't summon my Black Prometheum, so who knew if I could even contact Ronan anymore? It seemed that the doctor had taken everything Argent Eye related from me.

But Ronan couldn't be gone. Shouldn't be. He wouldn't be if it weren't for me- he'd said no to the party, but my ignorance and stubbornness meant that he felt obliged to follow me. I would have gone without him, but he wouldn't have allowed that.

My belly rumbled, and so I showered and went downstairs to the kitchen. I had a croissant that needed eating up, so I decided to heat it. I put the croissant on a baking tray and into the oven.

"Hey, Millie."

I turned to see Jake standing there. His face changed when I turned to face him- I must have looked a state. I was tired. Stressed.

"Woah, you okay?" He asked, coming into the room.

I shook my head. I couldn't even laugh this one off. "I fucked up, big time." I said.

"How so?" Jake asked.

"Last night, Ronan and I went to one of Doctor Geralds' parties, thinking it would be a good idea to get some more information. Except he knew. Of course he fucking knew, but I was too stubborn to think about the fact that the doctor would be one step ahead of us. Fuck."

Jake looked even more concerned than before.

"Now I'm here. Useless. And Ronan is still there." I emphasised this by waving my hand to the outside direction.

"Wait, what? How did you get out?"

I shrugged. "After his little experiment, the doctor clearly didn't have anymore use for me."

My croissant would have been pretty much done by now, and so I went to take it out. Of course, I didn't put any oven gloves on. Why would I? Normally, I wouldn't burn. The fire would protect me. And it was only Jake here- he'd seen me do all kinds of things with my powers.

As soon as my skin made contact with the hot tray, it burned. I was able to withstand it just long enough to chuck the tray onto the side, throwing my croissant half way across the counter.

"Shit." I exclaimed, grabbing hold of my now burned hand.

Jake came running over. "What the- why are you burned?" Jake asked, taking my hand to look at it. There was a thick, red line forming in the centre of my palm from where I'd held the edge of the baking tray.

I looked at him. "The doctor's little experiment involved taking my powers." I said.

Jake looked at me then. "What?"

I nodded. "Yep. They're gone."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." I confirmed.

"But... what's he doing with them?" Jake asked.

"So far, he's experimented on several Argents. He's managed to make ordinary humans have powers."

"Shit." Jake said. "Go sit down. You need to eat something."

I didn't really feel hungry anymore. "I'm good-"

"Seriously." Jake stressed. "Go sit down in the living room. I will make you some breakfast."

I tried to muster a smile. "Thank you." I said, and went to sit down, but not before running my burnt hand under the cold water.

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