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"You just argue his innocence all you want. Johnny Boatman has a high tolerance for alcohol. He can drink a lot, and you don't know if he drove his car or not. This man was able to form intent he just thought her sister was her." Stevie lays into him. 

"He said he didn't, and there are no witnesses to place him behind the wheel," Lindsey argues.

Stevie leans in closer to him, "Pieces of the victim's dress were found entangled in the front end of your clients crumpled car. Your client's fingerprints were found all over the wheel, and your client was found in the car four hours later." 

"But that doesn't prove he was driving the car. And what makes you so sure it was murder and not an accident." Lindsey pushes. 

"Linds, he's made threats all over the place. I'll be surprised if Bail is even granted." Stevie shrugs. The judge was currently deliberating. 

"The man is not a hardened criminal."  Lindsey sighs as they approach concessions. 

"I'll just have water." Stevie wraps her arm around his waist. 

"Two waters and a hot dog." Lindsey directs to the cashier. 

"Three years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon. " Stevie points. 

"It was a bar fight." Lindsey groans.

"He was arrested twice just last month. This type of behavior is self-centered and he's a menace to society." Stevie states as Lindsey pays. 

When they get their order, Lindsey is dressing his hotdog when he sighs and looks at Stevie. 

"I want to say something and maybe it's too soon, but I'm fond of you in many ways. And in many ways, we have differing opinions. You're a prosecutor, so you think like one. I'm a criminal defense lawyer and I think like one. Johnny is not a wonderful person, I am well aware of that." Lindsey says. 

"Menace to Society." 

"He's got a lot of faults, but I have agreed to defend him. And he is an amazing rock artist. Personally, I believe that he is an amazing rock musician and his guitar playing is one of the best around. and somewhere, I believe that somewhere, that man does have some good in him...and besides, I don't think he did it." Lindsey takes a bite. 

"I was just pointing out what you were getting into." Stevie sighs. 

"It isn't going to be easy." He shakes his head with a mouthful. 

"That's an understatement." Stevie laughs. 

"At least he doesn't live with me, Lindsey shrugs." 

"That isn't quite true...I didn't think we'd get bail, so I made a speech about your regard for Johnny and he said you could have him." Christine comes up behind them. 

"Hi, roomie." Johnny comes up slapping him on the back. Stevie just cracks up laughing. 


Living with Johnny isn't easy and like the last time, going against Stevie was not going to be easy. By the end of week four, Lindsey was going crazy. He had taken Stevie to a movie and when he got home, Johnny was having a raging party. Lindsey growled, unplugged the radio and got on the table.


Everyone scattered and Lindsey sauntered over to Johnny. 

"Alright, I am only going to say this once. My house, my rules. You are on trial for murder. Drinking is not going to happen, drugs are not going to happen. Big parties are not going to happen. I don't care if you fuck your life up when this is all over, but right now, you're getting sober." Lindsey growls snatching the beer bottle out of his hand. 

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