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Stevie jumps out of her chair and immediately wraps her arms around Carol. Lindsey with a sinking feeling in his gut looks down at the table.

"We've got to appeal, I didn't kill him." Elliot pleads.

"I know, we will." Lindsey nods packing up his briefcase

Elliot is taken into custody and Stevie looks back at Lindsey, but she doesn't go to him. She follows Carol Ann out of the courtroom. Cory does wrap her arms around Lindsey though. 

"Uncle Lindsey, something's fishy." Cory sighs. 

"I know, but I don't know what and I can't really do anything about it except appeal." Lindsey rubs her back. 

"It'll be okay." Cory nods as they walk out together. 


"Higher, yeah higher over there." Stevie coaches as Tom and the other DA members hang a banner in Stevie's office, she had requested that Carol come by and she was going to surprise her. 

Champagne is being poured and people are talking when a knock comes at the door. Stevie opens it and is greeted by a young man. 

"it's all clear. Hi." Stevie smiles.

"I'm looking for Carol Ann Harris, she told me that if I swung by she'd be in Stephanie Buckingham's office." He states. 

"Oh, yes I'm Stephanie Buckingham, but she's not here right now. She should be on her way though. You can wait,  or I can take a message." Stevie shakes her head.

"No, I...it's okay, could you just tell her that Peter Vanna is in town?" 

"Sure, how do you spell that?" 


"And you know her?"

"yeah, we had a drink halfway between here and San Francisco last week, thanks." He leaves. 

Stevie places her hand on her stomach and she makes her way over to the phone. She sits in her chair and with a shaky hand, dials Lindsey's office number. 

"Hello." He sounds sad. 

"Lindsey, honey it's me. Listen, I need you to take a drive with me. the halfway point between here and San Francisco." 

"Steph, I don't...I don't think so. I just want to pick the kids up from school and spend some time with them." Lindsey sighs.

"Lindsey, we really need to go, the Briarcrest Country Club where Elliot's tournament was." She bites her lip. 


"Therefore, your honor. Defense moves to set aside the guilty verdict of Elliot Buckman on the basis of prosecutorial misconduct." Lindsey hands the judge a file. 

"This is an outrage, there was no misconduct on the part of the prosecution." 

"Mr. Buckingham seems to feel that he can prove there was."

"He's wasting the courts time, to say nothing but to slander my integrity. If I do say so your honor, this merely demonstrates that Mr. Buckingham is a sore loser." 

"This is unusual I'll grant you that but I'm willing to allow him some leeway in this matter." 


"At his request, I've compelled all the original witnesses to appear. Now, Mr. Buckingham, you have one hour of the court time, but mind you, if I detect so much as a whiff of sour grapes this may be the last hour you spend in court for a long time." 

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