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In the court the following Monday, Lindsey was able to call up Arthur Winter, the manager of the club. 

"Mr. Winter, I wonder if you could help me with a little demo. Now, you're the manager of the Magic Castle, have you got a credit card we could use for a minute?" Lindsey asks.

"Sure." He nods pulling his wallet and a credit card out. 

"That'll do fine. Now put it in my hand." Lindsey turns around. When he feels the card in his grasp he firmly holds it and he starts pacing back and forth for a little while. "Now, there's no way that I could've seen those ten numbers on the card." 

"Not that I could tell no." 

"Okay, alright. Now...That's ugh 373302326. Is that right?" 

"That's right." He sighs.

"Objection your honor, this alleged demonstration is nothing more than a sideshow. The sole purpose is to confuse and misguide the members of the jury." Stevie states.

"Your honor, I'm using this demonstration to establish a motive." 


"Now, how did I do that?" 

"To be honest I don't know, I've seen many mentalists do several of those tricks before. They almost always have assistants." 

"Agh, Rory Matthew's was once the assistant to the Phenomenal Patelle and would you explain to the court, what the duties are of a mentalist assistant" 

"She holds up personal items belonging to the members of the audience and the mentalists even though he's blindfolded can identify the items correctly because of the code word she uses when she addresses him. As for your trick you've got me stumped." 

"Well, I did it the same way Rory did it when she was Mr. Patelle's assistant and the same way the current assistant does it." 

"Well, you lost me there."

"Putty." He holds up his hand...see I have the perfect imprint of the number on my hand," Lindsey walks over and shows the judge, the jury, and Stevie. "Only Rory didn't use credit cards, did she. She used, Keys didn't she." 

"I don't know what you mean." 

"At least once a performance Rory would hold up someone's set of keys and when no one was looking she'd make a perfect imprint of one of those keys in the putty. A house key then later she'd take the mold and have a real key made to somebody's house, didn't she...It's why when we were asked at the Magic Castle to take part in the trick...I told my wife I only had my car keys and my wallet and I didn't want to hand those over. Incase it like disappeared or something. So she started emptying her purse and handing me things. First, it was her checkbook, then it was her keys, then it was her lipstick, and finally, we came across a hair clip. I handed that one over. I can always buy her a new one." 

"How would I know, it means that she was the one that was doing it. Not me." 

"You're the manager of the Magic Castle. You know all the numbers, where their houses are when they're in town when they're out of town when they're on trips, you're the one who told the break-in man when and where to go didn't you and Rory was the one who gave him the key wasn't she."

"That's outrageous." 

"I wonder what Timmy Cottle would say if I put him on the stand. What do you think he'd say." 

"None of this means I killed her." 

"I think, that even though Rory had moved on and was now Daniel Fountain's assistant she still wanted her cut of your break in money and after a while you couldn't take that so you got rid of her didn't you." 

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