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She had just finished her twelfth week of pregnancy and she was feeling amazing. She couldn't wait to tell Lindsey but she couldn't figure out how. Cory had passed her LSAT and would be starting Law at UCLA law in January. She had in fact gone for Prosecution, and Stevie got her an internship at the DAs office, all of her afternoons would be spent shadowing in courtrooms and going over files but she was okay with that. Though she had to live on campus Lindsey had given her full range of the house whenever she needed to get away or if she needed a quietish place to study. 

Stevie was due in court, an obvious murder case. Lindsey was on defense and he was defending a woman who worked at a law firm.  Her boss had just been murdered. As Stevie was walking by the mirror in her office, she stopped and examined her stomach. In her tight grey dress and black belt, you could see a small bump forming. She bit her lip and then quickly she dug around in the closet in her office and found a black blazer she threw over the top of it and buttoning it closed. She wanted to hide the baby for a little while longer. 


"Ms. Richardson you work for the law firm of Mcpearce, and Steele, and Marcus, and Lawland. Is that correct?" Stevie questions her first witness of the day. 

"Yes it is, I've been there for almost six years." She nods.

"And on the day Phill Lawland was murdered did you witness an argument between him and the defendant Patricia Todd?"

"Yes, but it was more of a misunderstanding really, and it wasn't a big deal because it happened all of the time." 

"I see. Did they argue frequently?" 

"Well, Mr. Lawland was a very difficult man to work with we all got in arguments with him." She answers as Stevie walks around to the back of her chair and leans over it. 

"I see, would you say that this argument upset the defendant?" 

"Patty is very sensitive they always upset her."

"And when you tried to console her...what did she say to you?" 

"She said...and I can't remember her exact words...but it was something along the line of I wish that he was dead."

"Thank you Ms. Richardson," Stevie concludes going to sit back in her chair, Lindsey scowling at her slightly.

Lindsey was drinking out of the fountain when the daughter of the defendant who would be attending Law School with Cory, approached him.

"I just want to thank you for taking my mother's case. I know she has a lot against her." Mallory, the young girl says. 

"I rarely turn down cases. She's proud of you, you know. You're about to be a big lawyer and that's why she's having me hide your affair. Mallory, advice from me, straighten up...and don't sleep with your bosses." Lindsey winks as Christine comes up behind him. 

"Um excuse me, I just heard something." Christine sighs.

"Oh, Excuse us, Mallory," He nods.

She goes to the drinking fountain and Christine starts talking, "I just heard Stevie ask lieutenant Scott to step up his search for the murder weapon. Says if and when the police find it she can wrap this case up in a day." Christine explains. 

"Well, my wife has a new lead." Lindsey sighs,

"Sounds like it." Christine nods.

 "Then we best get to work." Lindsey states as the two of them walk away from Mallory completely. 

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