Virgil, once a Dark Side is now a Light Side.
But the past often doesn't leave good enough alone.
When the other sides only make Virgil feel worse, who's to stop him from just ending it all.
Of course, Thomas taking pills to keep Virgil at bay d...
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@ALizzarrd ^^
150 fucking chapters
So we're gonna have the revan and quiet fluff before evening goes to shit
Evan POV "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, oh my goodness, I love you so much Remus," I squealed, wrapped my arms tightly around Remus. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you."
"Of course Buttercup," Remus said, pulling me up for a kiss. "It's good to hear your beautiful voice."
"I missed being able to talk," I mumbled, burying my face in his chest.
I took a deep breath of his scent. It wasn't necessarily a pleasant smell, but it was a smell associated with safety in my mind. Weird considering that it's Remus of all people I feel safe with.
"We have to tell the others!" I gasped, shoving away from his chest excitedly.
"You really want to go back there after they all yelled at us for leaving?" Remus asked with a scowl. He was obviously angry with them.