Finals week. Or better known among college kids as dead week. Why? Cause every college student was running on less than three hours of sleep and stress. Much like Tamara was.
Tamara leaned over her notes desperately hoping that the material would stop looking foreign. She could feel her eyes betray her as the went to shut. This had begun hours ago. It was the whole reason that she was sitting on the livingroom floor.
Sighing heavily she rubbed her eyes and stretched. Her roommates had gone to sleep a couple hours ago. Yet there was one who was still up. Of course it was the least helpful one.
So when she heard shuffling, Tamara didn't even turn her head. When the shuffling grew closer, she grumbled. "Yes?"
"Are you still studying?" Tori asked. Tamara roiled her eyes.
"Yes, unlike you I want to do something with my life." Tamara growled. Tori frowned deeply.
"Fine." Tori threw her hands up and went to walk away. "It's not like I'm in the military with a degree in engineering."
Tamara groaned and put her face in her hands. "Fine. If you think you can help, I'm game."
Tori took the girls notes and looked over them. "So, what parts are you struggling with?"
"All of it!" Tamara cried out in frustration. She could feel tears form in the corners of her eyes. "Damn it! I can't afford to fail this class."
Tori placed her hand on Tamara's shoulder. "We'll figure it out."
Tamara shrugged. "It's hopeless."
Tori sighed. "Do you think that maybe it looks so foreign because you're over working yourself?"
Tamara looked at her as though she had stupid written on her forehead. Tori brushed this off.
"Stress can become so over whelming that even if you know the material, it will look foreign." Tori explained.
Tamara felt as though everything had crashed into a brick wall. Her tears couldn't be stopped. "I can't fail."
Tori wasn't quite sure how to cheer the girl up. "Um, how about I read your notes to you before you sleep?"
Tamara nodded. Tori sighed. The two stayed up late reading and rereading the notes until Tamara's anxiety had calmed.
Tamara was over the moon with joy when she got her grade back. The first thing she did was, well bought a huge bottle of Smirnoff, but after when Matt he'd to Tori's room.
Knocking first, she threw the door open. "I got a B!" She cried.
Tori smiled at her roommate from her position at her desk. She looked up from the small tech she had built. "See I told you. That stress wasn't good for you."
Tori didn't expect Tamara to just about jump into her lap with a hug. She squeezed the Norwegian tight. Then realized what she was doing.
Quickly she scrabbled to her feet. Clearing her throat she composed herself. "Thank you."
Tori chuckled. "No problem."