wireless 2017

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Talia's POV

"Hey Talia, there is someone I want you to meet when you get here" Freya said over the phone.

"OK, I'll be here soon" I replied.

I was almost ready to go, I just had to finish off my make up and then I could leave. I booked an uber to come and pick me up so that I could get drunk and then I would get an uber back. I got a notification on my phone saying that the uber was here so I grabbed my pearl white hand bag and rushed out of the door and down to the parking lot.

The event wasn't that far away so the journey would only be long if there was traffic. Whilst in the car I texted Freya to tell her that I was on my way and she replied with see you soon and a winky face. I ignored it because it was probably an accident and focused on where the driver was taking me.

I could see lots of signs pointing in the directions of the event and I saw the massive place it was held in. This years event was being held in Finsbury park, there was a bar down there and a huge stage where everyone would be performing. There was also an inside area if you wanted to chat instead of listen to the live performances.

The uber driver pulled up in the car park and I payed and hopped out. I called Freya to see where she was and she told me she was at the bar inside so I hurried down their to find her and meet everyone and also see the person she wants me to meet.

I saw her and the group of people she was with as soon as I walked into the inside bar area. I ran up to her and gave her a hug, I then shook all the others hands and I saw Gee at the end and gave her a hug too.

Freya pulled me aside to the bar and sat me next to this tall, dirty blond guy and introduced me to him.

"Talia this is Simon, Simon this is Talia"

"Nice to meet you" he said giving me a quick hug.

"Nice to meet you too" I said hugging him back.

Freya left me and Simon and went back to Josh and the others.

"haven't seen you before, new to the group?" Simon asked.

"yep, its the first time I have met you all except Gee, Freya and Tobi" I replied.

"Do you want a drink?" Simon asked.

"if you don't mind" I replied.

"Its fine, what would you like?" H e asked.

"Can I have a small white wine please" I said and he ordered my drink for me.

"Are you planning on getting drunk tonight?" He asked.

"That's the plan" I replied taking a sip of my drink as the waiter gave it to me.

"Same here, haven't got drunk or had a good night out in a while because of work" He told me.

"Oh where do you work?" I asked.

"I'm a youtuber" He replied.

"Same" Me and Simon seemed to get along really well.

I spent the next hour chatting to Simon as we drank alcohol and waited for the first event.

Simon quickly popped to the loo before the first performance started and in the time period when he was gone Freya came up to me to check how everything was.

"So, how is he?" She asked.

"he is so nice and sweet. We also have a lot in common" I told her.

"Hopefully the rest of the night goes well then" Freya said and left me as she saw Simon coming back.

"You ready?" I asked.

"yep" He replied as we stood up and took our drinks off of the counter to go join the group to go see the first performance.

It was a bit muddy outside and some people were falling over whilst trying to get a good view of the singer. We ended up at the back and because of my height I couldn't see.

I could see that Freya had the same problem and she is a bit taller then me. I looked down to the ground and listened to the music until a pair of hands grabbed my waist and lifted me into the air. It was Simon, he sat me on his shoulders and I could finally see what was happening.

"That better?" He asked.

"Yes thankyou" I replied.

He kept me on his shoulders for the whole performance until the group decided to go back inside whilst the next person was getting ready. We sat back down at the bar but as a group this time. We all ordered more drinks because we were all trying to get drunk. This time I got a mixed fruits Kopparberg cider. I didn't realise but Simon got the same as me, must be his favourite too because he got it when he bought my wine for me.

I heard the next performance being announced over the speakers but by the look on some peoples faces it didn't seem like a good performance to watch. Vik ran out to listen to it and a few others that I didn't know the names of but Simon stayed at the bar so I stayed with him.

"I assume you don't like EDM either then" He said.

"What is EDM, I've never even heard of it" I said.

"Well it stands for electronic dance music and it is generally used to hype things up at clubs and its used to have a rave" Simon explained.

"Or in shorter terms not my kind of music and by the look on your face not yours either" I said.

"correct" He said

I finished my drink really quickly and bought 2 more because now I wanted to get drunk, Freya also had the same idea as me and bought 2 drinks and downed them really quickly. She was starting to get tipsy now and it was quite funny to watch. She wouldn't sit down so Josh had to hold her down and wouldn't let her have anymore drinks because he didn't want to have to deal with her getting in trouble all night.

I finished my first out of the 2 drinks and was onto my second now so I took a few sips from that and had a chat with everyone whilst we waited for the EDM music to finish.

When it did I finished my drink and bought another one, I was starting to feel a bit tipsy now but still managed to function properly. Even though Simon said he was going to get drunk he hadn't so maybe he changed his mind and was going to be sensible and get home safely. For some strange reason I downed my cider and went over to Simon and walked with him down to the next event. The alcohol went straight to my head and I ended up walking into Simon nearly making myself fall over but luckily Simon caught me and got me back up to my feet.

He held my arm to make sure I didn't fall on the way down to the centre stage. Once we got down there I was lifted back up onto Simon's shoulders because again I couldn't see. Half way through a song I made Simon get me down because I really needed the loo but I didn't know where they were so Simon came with me and waited outside for me. He still had his cup of cider so when I got out of the loo I took it from him and downed it causing me to start going a bit loopy and not being able to walk.

"At least I didn't have to drink it, I have sidemen filming tomorrow so I decided not to get drunk" He told me whilst he helped me walk back down to the centre stage.

"That's good then" I said randomly, it made sense in my head but when it came out of my mouth it didn't make much sense.

"alright then?" Simon said confused.

Once we got back to the group we were told that this was the last song and then I would hit midnight so we would all be leaving. I decided to give Simon my number so we could stay in contact but then Gee came up to me and Simon and asked Simon if he could take me home because I wasn't in a good enough state to go home alone and I would probably tell the uber driver the wrong address and get myself lost.

Simon agreed to this and once the song ended I got in an uber with him and I was driven back to the sidemen house with him. I remember falling asleep in the uber and waking up when we got to the house. Simon then lifted me out of the uber bride style and Josh let us in. Simon then took me up to his room and layed me on his bed tucking me in and then I fell asleep.

Go check out my instagram- itz_cd06

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