house shopping

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Simon's pov

On the Monday that the rest of the group got back, me, JJ and Talia discussed the living situation.

I still wanted to live with JJ and he still wanted to live with me so we decided that we would buy a house with bedrooms on both floors so we wouldn't disturb each other.

The houses we looked at online all had 2 bedrooms upstairs and 2 downstairs so me and Talia decided we would sleep upstairs and JJ can sleep downstairs with whoever.

There was a bathroom upstairs and a bathroom downstairs and also a kitchen and living room downstairs too.

There were 3 different houses that we could choose from so we booked viewings one the same day so we could see each house and choose which one our favourite is.

I set a reminder on my phone for 2 weeks today to remind me that we have to view the 3 houses on that day.

I also told mine and JJ's new estate agent that we would like to book viewings for the 3 houses and she booked them for us and told me the times.

For the rest of the day everyone that was at Vegas was at the sidemen house and was chilling and watching movies.

It was nearly lunchtime and there was no food in the cupboards so I order me and Talia food from sticks a sushi because that's Talia's favourite place to eat.

I hate any fish so I just had noodles which were very nice to be fair.

I didn't order food for anyone else cause not everyone like sushi so it would be a big fuss to sort out food and I just want to relax today.

Talia's pov

The food came 30 minutes after being ordered which was perfect because that's when I started to get hungry.

Me and Simon ate it in the kitchen without anyone else around so we could be in peace.

I did have one thing on my mind that was there throughout the entirety of the day so far, is Maddie going to be living with us?

"Simon? " I asked.

"yeah" he replied.

"Is Maddie going to be living with us?" I asked.

"I dunno, I'll text JJ" he responded.

He whipped out his phone and typed a message to JJ, he sent it and within a few seconds JJ responded.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He said he's sacking her off" Simon laughed.

"OK good, I can finally stop stressing" I sighed.

"Why was it making you stress?" he asked.

"Cause I really hate her and I was worried that if she were to live with us she may do something bad and it may not be fixable or something like that" I replied.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Like she could hurt one of us or kill one of us or something" I replied.

"You think" he said.

"You never know with her"

Once we both finished our food we sat back in the living room with the other people.

"Who wants to play a pool tournament?" Ethan shouted.

Everyone talked about it and decided that it would be fun so now we were playing a pool tournament.

I'm literally shit at pool, can't do it to save my life.
luckily enough for me, I got to pair up with Simon and he has played it so much that he got good at it.

The tournament went on for hours, the final was just round the corner.

in the semi finals was me and Simon vs Josh and Freya and Ethan vs Josh.

Freya was also very bad at pool so she paired up with Josh, turned out in that game we had very few goes because we didn't want to mess up and loose the game.

Ethan beat Josh so it was Ethan in the final vs whoever wins our game.

Both teams were onto the black ball, it was very very intense.

Everyone stood around watching silently as Simon took his go.

The ball wasn't in the best position to pot but it wasn't impossible to do so Simon just had to hope luck was on his side for his potential last go.

He hit the ball aiming for the top left pocket, the ball hit the very edge of the pocket but still went in.

I cheered and everyone around joined in, me and Simon were now in the finals against Ethan.

We had a quick drink and snack break then started the game.

I didn't want to take any turns this time because I was afraid of messing it up.

Simon was beating Ethan, he had potted 3 balls and Ethan had potted 1.

10 minutes later Simon was still winning 6-3 with only 1 stripped ball left to pot.

He potted that on his next go so he only had the black ball left.

He waited till Ethan finished and effortlessly potted the black ball into one of the middle pockets and took his trophy which was the last red bull in the house.

He ended up halving it with me because I helped him a bit and he knew how much I love red bull.

After the tournament we decided as a group that we would watch the notebook because some people hadn't watched it before and didn't believe it was actually that sad.

By the end of it all the girls were crying and some of the boys had watery eyes.

JJ stood up and sai "aye that weren't sad what are you on about".

"shut up man, I heard you sniffling half way through" Simon shouted back.

"come on man you didn't have to tell them that" he said and laughed.

As it came up to dinner we ordered 10 pizzas and had some alcohol, we'll me and Freya didn't and neither did Simon and Josh but everyone else did and we all had a bit of fun in different ways.

The last thing we did was play spin the bottle truth or dare.

It got quite juicy at times but not nearly as bad as some of the other times we have played this game.

After that some people went home and some stayed, JJ and Maddie went upstairs to have a chat so everyone staying over stayed and people who lived here stayed downstairs whilst they had their chat.

It didn't sound like it was going well because you could hear Maddie shouting and eventually she stormed out and slammed the door on her way.

At least she's gone now.

The rest of us ignored her and went to bed.

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