How is he?

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1 month later

3rd person pov

Talia had spent most of the month in hospital with Simon, she had been eating and had made sure she stayed healthy so that she didn't have to be looked after by a nurse or something.

Simon hadn't been making much progress so the doctors were thinking of turning off his life support because the likely hood of him waking up was getting lower and lower, becoming under 50%.

As soon as Talia found out the doctors plans she texted Freya and asked what she should do because she was now clueless of what to do.

Usually Simon would be the one to get her out of a situation because he's smart and knows how to handle things but he can't do that now.

The doctors decided that Talia should stay until they decide to turn the machines off so that she can say her final goodbyes.

Talia's pov

The doctors said I should stay with Simon till they turn the life support machine off which I did because I really didn't know what else to do, if he does I don't know what I will do.

I literally need this man more than anything right now, I'm carrying his child, I've missed all my doctors appointments because I'm to scared to go with out him, I can barely take care of myself because I can't stop thinking about him.

I haven't changed clothes in days and I haven't had a shower in days because I'm to scared to leave him, what if I leave for 1 second too long Ana he dies? I wouldn't have been able to say a proper goodbye.

Simon has till the end of the week to make some signs of progress, it's currently Wednesday so he has the better half of the week to do so.

The doctors don't think he will make progress but I still have faith, I still believe that he will make a recovery, I have to believe.


3rd person pov

"I'm sorry Talia, he hasn't made any significant progress on recovering so we are going to have to turn his life support off"

Talia held in the tears as the doctor spoke, the doctors left the room for a minute so Talia could say a proper goodbye.

Too soon the doctors came back and Talia had to leave the room, they escorted Simon out of the room and turned his life support off in a different room.

Talia collected her belongings and called Freya asking if she could pick her up.

As soon as Freya turned up Talia got in the car and whispered "Take me home" Freya nodded her head and drove.

They didn't speak at all in the car, complete silence leaving Talia with her thoughts and memory's of him.

Talia said a faint goodbye and thank you then let Freya go, she walked in the house and went straight up to her and Simon's bedroom and cried herself to sleep.

The next day

JJ's pov

I had just got a call from the hospital, they said it was an emergency but a good one.

How can anything be good right now, my best friend had just died and his girlfriend isn't coping well.

I drive down to the hospital and went straight to the front desk and told them my information. The woman at the desk called someone and a man came around the corner and took me to a different room.

"Hello, JJ?" he said.

"Ye, why am I here?" I asked.

"It's about Simon, he's alive and awake. He told me to call you because it would be too much for his girlfriend to handle and he thought you would be more of a help" the doctor replied.

"What does he need help with?" I asked

"Well, he's having trouble walking. He can walk but not for long periods of time so he needs someone to catch him if he falls" the doctor replied.

"Can he come home today?" I asked.

"Yes, that's why your here"

As if on queue Simon walked slowly into the room with a slight lump, I smiled at him and took his things from him.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Sure am" he replied.

I signed some paperwork then we left the hospital and drove home so he could see Talia.

As soon as we walked through the door I helped Simon sneek upstairs so he could surprise Talia.

We could here her crying which broke Simon's heart, you could see it on his face.

"Talia" I knocked on the door.


"I have a surprise for you" I said.

"Come in"

With that me and Si walked into the room and the look on Talia's face changed from sad and barely coping to I think I'm going to die of happiness.

I left the to it and got back to editing my video.

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