how can I help

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Simon's POV

I woke up to a quiet sound of sobs coming from my bathroom and noticed Talia wasn't next to me so I knew it was her.

I hopped out of bed still in my boxers and went to see what was wrong.

I walked over to the bathroom and slowly opened the door to find Talia curled up in a ball with her phone on the floor infront of her.

I sat down next to her and wrapped an arm round her back to comfort her.

"Talia, please don't cry. It makes me sad to see you sad" I whispered.

"I'm sorry Si" she replied through her tears.

"Don't be sorry, there is obviously something bothering you and I just want to help, do you want to go to the hospital later today?" I asked.

Talia cried even harder, what did I do wrong?

"Its OK" I whispered.

"There's no point, she's dead" Talia cried.

I hugged Talia like it was the last time I would ever see her. I assume her sister died because her mum was completely fine yesterday.

"Do you know how or why?" I asked.

"She had a bleed in the brain whilst in the coma and died" Talia sobbed.

"Talia I'm so sorry, we can get through this together" I said.

"Thank you Si, I really love you" she said.

Every time she told me she loved me it would warm up my heart and make me go fuzzy inside.

"I love you too T" I replied.

We stayed in the bathroom sitting on the floor for a bit until it started to get a bit cold so I picked Talia up and carried her to the bed and tucked her in then joined her myself.

I felt like today was going to be a lazy day and very unproductive.

We slept for a bit and watched TV once we woke up, it was 2pm when we finally got out of bed.

I was starving and so was Talia so we went to Nandos for a late lunch.

Once we got there we had to wait for a bit because it was really busy. Maybe everyone was having a lazy day.

After waiting for 10 minutes a lady took us to a table for 2 and handed us 2 menus and I already knew what I wanted and so did Talia so I went straight up to the bar and ordered.

Talia's POV

Once Simon left a random guy I have never met before came and sat in Simon's seat.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Come to chat" he said.

"My boyfriend will be back soon so could you please move" I said.

"I'll only be a minute" he said.

"Too long for my liking" I replied.

"OK, I have one thing to say, meet me in the bathrooms in 5" then he walked off. As if I was going to meet him.

Simon soon came back with 2 bottomless cups and we took it in turns to go to the drink machine.

Once we got our drinks I told Simon about the guy and he said "ignore him, he probably thinks your cute and wants to bang. Wouldn't blame him".

"That's just disgusting" I replied.

"I know but that's what happens when you are beautiful" Simon said.

"I'm not that good looking" I replied.

"Have you ever taken a good look in the mirror, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met" Simon said causing me to blush.

"I whish" I replied.

Simon didn't bother to argue, he knew I was too stubborn.

Our food cane and we ate pretty quickly because we were both really hungry, once we were finished we left and drove back home.

Freya and Josh were sitting in the kitchen when we got in so we decided to join them.

I forgot about my sisters death until Josh asked who was crying earlier this morning.

I burst into tears again, she meant so much to me. We were always so close and I really loved her but didn't get to tell her.

Simon brought me into a hug and came and sat me down on his lap on one of the pitched stools at the island.

He whispered to Josh that it was me crying and that she would tell everyone when she was ready.

Freya didn't say anything and Josh agreed to give me space and give me time to build up the confidence to tell everyone.

I think Freya was suffering from her hangover really badly because she sat there staring at a wall the whole time me and Simon were in the kitchen.

We talked to Josh for a bit and decided to film a video at 7pm then Simon edited it and posted it and we went to bed at 10pm.

Very early for us both but we were both quite tired and didn't want to do anything else.

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