run down

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I'm so sorry guys, I thought this chapter was uploaded a few days ago but turns out it wasn't. So here it is

JJ's pov

It's been a week since Simon and Talia were sent to hospital and none of us know what to do.

Sidemen productions have stopped (ye we only missed one sidemen Sunday but we have missed a lot of more sidemen videos) our main channels and gaming channels have stopped and all of us have gone into a slight state of depression.

Talia doesn't leave the hospital even though she has been discharged. The doctors thought they would have to keep her in but she made a quick recovery and her muscles were fine so she didn't need hydrotherapy.

Everyone has been visiting Simon non stop but we like to spend as little time there as possible so Talia can be there with Simon.

You can tell that this has made a real impact on her life, she is nearly 6 months pregnant and the father of the baby keeps slipping in and out of a coma.

Simon is still in a very unstable condition and his body is doing lots of weird shit.

The coma thing is a start and his heart rate speeds up then slows down which according to the doctors has never been seen at that hospital before.

The other day he was trying to breathe on his own but then the next morning he stopped breathing so they had to hook him up to the tunes again and sometimes he has muscle spasms but sometimes he can actually move, it looks like he is literally possessed.

Every day someone has to go into the hospital to check on Talia and make sure she has eaten because if she stops eating her baby will die.

Being here at home alone is really different for me, I've always had room mates or someone else there with me so it's kinda lonely with them two being at the hospital 24/7.

I've considered getting one of my friends to stay over but all of my friends have their own houses and either live with their girlfriend or boyfriend or live with another friend.

Josh's pov

Today me and Freya decided to go round people's houses and see how they are doing because everyone is depressed and I know it's hitting JJ the worst so we are going to his place last and spending the most time at his.

We made up little baskets with loads of snacks and next games so they can play and take their minds off the subject and also snacks make everyone happy.

"Josh is everything ready?" Freya asked.

"I think so" I replied.

"I've packed half the baskets in the car but the rest don't fit so we are going to have to come back for the rest later" I said.

"OK let's get going then"

We both ran to the car and drove to the first person's house, we started with the people furthest away then ended on JJ who happened to be the closest to us with him only living 1 Road away.

Everyone seemed so sad and gloomy when they opened the door but once they saw us and the gifts we had brought they were happy and welcomed us in with a cheerful smile.

It took us half of the day to get through the first half of the baskets which means we would be arriving at JJ's House very late but he probably wouldn't mind because he seems to need the company.

Me and Freya spent a little less time with the last half of our friends because we wanted to make sure JJ was OK so as soon as we left the last person's house we sped down to JJ's house only slightly breaking the speed limit but there are no cameras around here so no one will catch us.

As soon as we pulled up the drive way we waisted no time on getting to the front door, Freya had the basket ready and hopped out of the car and pretty much sprinted then banged on the door so loud it sounded like JJ was getting swatted.

I could hear slow, heavy footsteps pad towards the door then a lock turn and a click indicating that the door was open.

JJ slowly opened the door and peeked his head through the gap, he looked the worst out of everyone.

He looked like he was left out in the Amazon rainforest with only water to survive, he looked so tired and so sad.

His eyes looked broken and gloomy unlike his usual happy and energetic ones.

My heart melted at the sight, I felt so bad for him so as soon as I got in I pulled him into a long firm hug and sat him down on the sofa so we could talk.

We tried not to talk about Simon but the topic of Talia came up when JJ asked how Freya was with the pregnancy and because Talia is also pregnant she came into conversation which unfortunately lead to Simon.

We didn't talk about him for long but it was long enough for JJ to understand what was happening with Simon since JJ hadn't been to see him in a few days.

We spend around 2 hours with JJ then decided it would be best if he got some sleep and we needed sleep too.

We left his house and took the short 2 minute drive to our house and fell asleep as soon as we got into bed.

Talia's pov

This beeping was driving me insane,

Beep... beep... beep... beep

At least I know he is alive.

Beep, beep, beep, beep

Great now its speeding up, that makes everything so much better. The faster beeps are normal now but they are so much more annoying and really get on my nerves.

I felt Simon's hand twitch but thought nothing of it because that was normal now as well.

His whole arm began shaking and I was a little bit concerned but still not concerned enough to call for a doctor.

Hos legs started to twitch then his other arm, eventually his whole body was in full spasm and I started to panic.

I called for the doctors and as they were escorting me out of the room his heart rate machine went into one long beep which can only mean one thing.

He was  dead, or was he?

lickle cliff hanger ting, he may die or he may survive who knows with all these other weird things his body has been doing. See ya next time

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