todays the day

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Simon's POV

I heard a bang then woke up, I realised I was still on the sofa with a blanket over me and Talia was asleep next to me.

I looked around the room to see what happened and saw JJ on the floor holding his head.

"You alright mate?" I asked.

"Just fell of the sofa and hit my head, that's all" he replied.

"OK, do you want a drink or something to eat?" I asked.

"Just a water please" he replied.

I slowly got up knowing if a made a big movement it would wake Talia up.

I then crept out of the room trying not to wake anyone up. I walked into the kitchen to find Vik on his own looking at his phone. I said hi and he replied with hi. I got JJ's water got my water and did myself 2 slices of toast quickly and went back into the living room where everyone else was.

Everyone was awake now, I handed JJ his water and sat back down next to Talia. I offered her a slice of toast and she took it and ate it slowly, still not fully awake yet. Someone turned on the TV and put on friends.

We all had a chat and watched friends then people started to leave to get changed or go home.

I decided that today I was going to tell Talia that I like her, don't know how just will.

We had to do another sidemen shoot today because we were falling behind on videos.

It was a sidemen Sunday so it was a maximum effort video. We were going to be fathers for 24 hours. I knew people (JJ) would say things like Simon wishes this was his and Talia's baby and things like that and tease me about liking her but not dating her but if I can change that he wont be able to tease me, I just need to find a way to tell her I like her then ask her to be my girlfriend.

Eventually it was just me, JJ, Talia, Josh and Freya in the room. Freya and Josh left because they wanted to film a video together and JJ soon go bored and left.

It was now just me and Talia. Now was my time.

"Talia, there is something I need to tell you" I started my voice quiet and calm.

"I think I know what you are going to say but go on" she replied.

"Well, I really like you and..." I said.

"I really like you too" she replied before I could finish.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked nervously.

"Of course" she said kissing me. It was short but sweet.

I hugged her and smiled. It felt like the corners of my lips were toughing my ears. We pulled away from the hug and I could see she was really happy too.

I was so over the moon, I wanted this moment to last forever.

The smile stayed on my face as me and Talia left the room, we left hand in hand with our fingers intertwined. I skipped down the hallway and to the stairs, Talia barely being able to keep up. Josh stared at me as he came down the stairs.

"You alright mate?" Josh asked.

"Over the moon" I replied cheerfully.

I continued skipping as I went up the stairs, Talia was still trying to keep up. As I entered my room I stopped skipping and let go of Talia's hand.

"Are you going to have a shower?" I asked her.

"Ye if that's OK" She replied.

"Ye that's fine, you can use my bathroom and I'll go use the spare" I said grabbing clothes out if my drawers.

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