help me

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Simon's pov

It had been 2 months since we went house shopping and me, JJ and Talia had picked the dream house. It had an upstairs with 3 bedrooms and an en suite for the master bedroom. There was also another bathroom with a shower and bath and there was a small living space with an office joint to it.

Downstairs there was 2 bedrooms, a massive kitchen with an island in the middle, and another small living space with an office joint to it.

Me and Talia took the upstairs and JJ took the downstairs, obviously we could go wherever we wanted but the upstairs and downstairs was where we would sleep, get ready in the mornings and make and upload YouTube videos.

Me and Talia decided to go shopping for things to make the house look more welcoming and vibey, we have to pass the vibe check.

I drove us around London in my black tesla that I got a little while back and we stopped at loads of different shops finding loads of cool items.

Me and Talia were out for a good few hours before we decided to go back home.

On the way back there was this crazy driver swerving down the road, he was going so slow as well so I decided to try and pass him as we drove over a bridge.

It looked like there was enough room to pass him so I indicated left and slipped into the lane as he went right.

Pretty smooth if I don't say so myself.

What I didn't notice was that the lane I was in wasn't a road, it went straight off of the bridge. I only noticed that as we went off of the bridge because I wasn't looking at the road I was looking at Talia and she was looking at me.

The car plummeted to the ground below us and the suspension on the car wheels broke and came straight through the floor of the car.

The air bags popped out and smacked us in the face, I instantly blacked out.

Talia's pov

"Simon, help me my legs trapped in the suspension" I screamed but Simon didn't reply.

I looked over to him and realised he wasn't there, he was unconscious and looked like he had just seen a ghost because of the powder that had come off of the airbag.

I didn't know what to do so I called Freya.

*on the phone*

f: hello?
t: help me
f: what's wrong
t: Simon, crash, unconscious
f: wait, breath and form a proper sentence
t: uhh, m-me and Simon went shopping for things to decorate the new house and a drunk driver was in front of us so Simon went into the other lane and went past him. Neither of us were concentrating on the road and the lane ended and we went off of the edge of a bridge and plummeted into the side of the road that was below us
f: me and Josh are on our way, send me your location and call an ambulance

+call ended+

I did as Freya said, I sent her my location then called an ambulance.

I was panicking, what if the baby was dead. I'd have to give birth to a dead baby or have an operation to get it removed.

I closed my eyes and breathed, trying to calm myself down.

I soon heard ambulance sirens and Josh and Freya just behind them.

There was also a fire engine just incase we couldn't get out of the car which I couldn't.

They got Simon out first and a helicopter took him away then the fire crew cut the suspension so I could move my leg, it still sticking out of me.

I got taken to hospital in the ambulance, Freya coming with me.

Josh drove because he couldn't go in the helicopter with Si and you can only have 1 person with you and a medic in an ambulance.

The ride there felt incredibly slow so I closed my eyes and lied there.

I didn't go to sleep, just a state of mind where I was in my own world with nothing distracting me. Only my thoughts to company me.

My bad side started coming out,

It's all your fault that you and Simon are dying
your stupid for not concentrating on the road
give up he doesn't need someone like you
he doesn't love you, look at what you've done to him
you and that baby should just die, it will save Simon from wasting his life on you

Shut up, I love Simon and I will never give up on him
if he doesn't love me anymore I will still love him
if he does die I will bring up this baby in his name
I can't give up and I wont

I could feel someone shaking me, I opened my eyes.

It was Freya

"we're here" she said.

I nodded and sat up a bit trying not to catch the metal in my leg to it didn't rip out.

"Is Simon here yet?" I asked.

"He got here 5 minutes ago and got rushed straight to intensive care" the paramedic informed.

I just nodded and closed my eyes again.

This time I blocked every thought out and lied there with no expression.

I got wheeled into a room where they cut all of my clothes off and put this shit material gown on me.

They also checked my health and then checked if the baby was alive.

"You and the baby are completely fine, we now need to operate on your leg to get the metal spring out" informed the doctor.

"Oh by the way, my name if Dr. Harris and you will be seeing a lot more of me over the next few weeks to a few months" he said.

"Is it really going to be that long?" I asked.

"unfortunately yes, you have to have hydrotherapy because the nerves in your leg are dead and we want you to be able to walk" he said.

"How long will Simon be in here?" I asked.

"Second name" he questioned.


"That is unknown at this moment in time" he replied.

Just what I wanted to hear.

"Is he stable? " I asked.


"will he die?"


I felt tears burn in my eyes as I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat, he can't die I need him.

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