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Simon's POV

"Well... Me and Talia will be having a baby!" I announced.

Everyone around started clapping and cheering and everyone seemed to be really happy, even JJ who knows the living arrangements will be changed or modified a bit to fit the new needs.

Seeing everyone else excited made me more excited, I can't wait to be a father.

I've had this thought for a long time now, I think I'm ready to propose to Talia but I'm not so sure on how to do it.

I haven't told anyone yet but I'm thinking about asking Josh because he probably wants to propose to Freya soon and may know how to help me.

The rest of the night went smoothly and we ended up going to a bar to finish off the night.

I decided not to drink much because Talia and Freya couldn't drink, Josh also didn't drink much either.

I had 2 bottles of kopparberg and a lemonade and Talia just stuck to orange juice.

JJ decided to get hammered and so did the bitch he decided to bring which ended up with them making out in a private booth.

Tobi stayed clear from the alcohol because he is a recovering alcoholic and everyone else drunk their usual amount, enough to not be sober but not enough to be hammered.

Unlucky for JJ he would have a hangover in the morning but not unlucky for the bitch cause she deserves it.

Our night ended at 2am, well for me, Josh, Talia and Freya but everyone else stayed out till sun rise so about 6am which was stupid because we have a flight to catch at 8am.

As soon as me and Talia got to our room we went to bed and fell asleep straight away so that we could get as much sleep as possible.

I set an alarm for 7am on the way back to the hotel so we would have enough time to pack and get to the airport ready for our flight.

Talia's POV

I woke up hungry, really hungry.

I decided to eat because when I'm hungry I can get really angry and I don't want to be angry because I can get really annoying and I don't want to annoy Simon because I know he will be tired and when he's tired he has a short temper and is stubborn as hell which will make me even more angry.

I woke up at 6:30am which was 30 minutes before Simon's alarm was set to go off.

I don't know why but for some reason I just keep waking up early for no reason, not even because I'm feeling sick.

Once I finished the food I got ordered to the room I packed mine and Simon's suitcase to save him having to do it in his tired state.

He really isn't a morning person and it is very hard to get him to do things in the morning so its probably best I do the packing, it will save us both from getting angry.

I heard Simon's alarm go off at precisely 7am and as soon as he woke up I gave him the breakfast I ordered for him.

He ate it pretty quickly and then got dressed into the clothes I left out of the suitcase for him.

We were both ready at roughly 7:30am so we texted to see if anyone else was ready and it turned out only Josh and Freya were ready so we went to the airport with them in hopes that everyone else would be ready on time and wouldn't miss the flight.

As soon as we arrived at the airport we went through security and dropped off our suitcases then we went to our terminal and sat down ready to board the plane.

Everyone was texting on the group chat trying to get hold of someone other than the 3 others at the airport along with me.

No one was responding so we had to hope they were rushing around getting ready and ignoring their phones so they didn't get distracted.

We ended up boarding 5 minutes early because we were in first class and it was ready so we left everyone else in the airport and got to the lonely first class.

It was very very quiet today for some reason but I didn't mind that because I could sleep without people talking and potentially making loud noises and fussing over things.

It was another 9 hour 45 minute journey without any delays or messed up schedules which means I can get a lot of sleep.

Simon was planning on editing a video for a bit and then sleeping but I think he will fall asleep as soon as the plane takes off, he usually does then he complains that he got nothing done.

Just before the plane was about to take off I got a message from Gee saying that her, Josh, Ethan and Emily had arrived and were about to board the plane.

I told her that me, Simon, Josh and Freya were already on in first class and she said none of them booked first class so we would see them in London.

As soon as the plane took off Simon fell asleep like I predicted and I also ended up falling asleep like 5 minutes in so we both missed the whole flight and all the views of America.

As soon as we woke up the plane landed so we grabbed our bags from the overhead compartment and left the plane to then go and get our suitcases from luggage collection then the 4 of us waited for Gee, Josh, Ethan and Emily.

When they found us we got in 2 separate cabs back to the sidemen house and all of us ended up falling asleep due to jet lag.

Simon's POV

When I woke up I was in my own bed but I could have sworn I fell asleep on the sofa.

I left my room and found out the everyone apart from me, Talia, Freya, Josh, Chip, Gee, Ethan and Emily where still in Vegas and wouldn't be able to get home until Monday which was three days from now.

It is their own fault for drinking but I guess they get to have more fun because they are in Vegas and there is so much to do there.

For the rest of the day everyone back home lazed around and waisted they day by watching a movie and sleeping then watching more movies and sleeping.

I also did a bit of editing before me and Talia went to bed.

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