good parents

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Talia's POV

We decided we were going to have lunch first so once we got to central London we walked to the nearest Nandos and were made to sit outside because the baby would probably cry and make lots of noise which would scare customers off.

The waitress brought out a high chair first the baby so we sat him in it and then sat down ourselves. We ordered a light meal because we had only ate breakfast a little while ago.

We saw JJ and Josh walk past and I said hi but Simon had there ideas, he snuck up behind them and shouted boo in their ears which made JJ drop the baby and Josh let go of the pram and had to chase it down the street.

JJ got really mad at Simon because the baby started to cry so JJ stole our milk bottle and ran off dragging the baby along with him.

Simon sprinted over to Josh and stole the milk bottle and the nappies out if the bottom of his pram and ran back to me.

He then took the baby out of the high chair and gave him to me and told me to take good care of him. He put the bottle and the nappies in the bottom of our pram and guarded it with his life.

I thought this whole situation was hilarious and I couldn't contain my laughter.

Josh then came back up to us and asked for the nappies so Simon gave him 1 and kept their other one. Josh didn't realise that he had only been given 1 and walked off.

Simon and I finished our meals and decided to head over to the park.

It was only a small park so we messed about on the swings and slides for a bit then Simon found a football in a tree so for the activity of our choice we decided to play football.

The baby was in goal and it was me vs Simon. I could tell this wasn't going to go well.

Simon was amazing at football and I can't play so I just stood in his way the whole time until he got frustrated and picked me up and ran through on goal and scored.

He then put me down and collected the ball.

"Do you want to go shopping now?" He asked.

"Yes definitely, I'm so trash at this let's go" I replied quickly.

Simon took the baby and I pushed the pram. We walked over to Westfield shopping centre and looked around at what shops we could go in. We were intending to spend a good few hours here because we had so much time left.

We decided to go into a store full of baby clothes so that we could change the baby's outfit, its was plain blue.

We looked at a few different things then set on one that could be personalized. We went up to the till and played for it then Simon asked them to print 'my mum is the prettiest woman in the world and my dad has a fat bank account' on it. They printed it and when I read it I couldn't stop laughing. We then went in a changing room and changed the baby's clothes and left the shop.

We then went into a Nike store and I saw a really nice pair of trainers that I wanted but they were £200 so I decided not to get them.

I did find a really cute pair of trainers that fit the baby's feet so I bought those and put them on the baby. They fit perfectly and went well with the while and red baby grow.

We left the shop but Simon went back in and said he needed to get something. He was probably going to get the hoodie he was looking at.

He came out a few minutes late with a big bag and when then went into the apple store.

Simon wanted to get some airpods and I needed a new phone. I have had the same iPhone 7 for a few years now so I wanted to upgrade to the iPhone x.

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