last hope

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A/N another sad chapter, maybe it will get better from here or maybe it will get worse. Who knows, I do!

Talia's pov

I was with my family somewhere now, I needed to get away. Simon is probably dead and I don't want to have to face being told that.

For the first week I was walking round London, I slept in my apartment at night but for the day I went out so no one could find me.

After the week passed I decided to see my parents who live just out of London, I was debating whether to go to Italy and see family or not but I decided on just seeing parents.

I just have to hope Simon is OK and is back at the sidemen house enjoying himself with his friends and not worrying about me. Maybe I would go back soon or maybe I should forget about them and move on. I've caused Simon enough trouble already.

My parents are pretty boring now, they don't do anything except watch TV. My sister is always away with friends which leaves me with nothing to do.

I decided to spend a week with my parents because I haven't seen them in a while then maybe I would go back to the sidemen house to see how everything is or maybe I just leave it.

Simon's pov

It had been two weeks and no one had heard anything from Talia. Today I was getting discharged from hospital so I would be able to go back home but I still had to stay in bed a lot and I weren't allowed to do any sports, I couldn't do that anyway with my broken arm.

Josh decided he would drive me home and he seemed pretty happy, I don't know why I'll only cause them more trouble.

He drove home carefully because he didn't want to drive over something and then hurt me because of it.

It took roughly 25 minutes to get home when it should have only taken 10 minutes.

I saw Tobi's car on the drive which meant he was here and maybe Harry was here or Ethan or both. Maybe they came over to check on me. They wouldn't be getting a nice surprise, I just want to die.

The bright, happy Simon was now gone. Only dead suicidal Simon was left. If I didn't have any hope in Talia coming back I would either over dose on drugs or drink myself to death because without Talia I'm a wreck and I would just get in everyone's way. Even just the littlest bit of hope that Josh made me believe in has kept me alive right now but if Talia doesn't come back I would just end my life because I wouldn't want to go through the pain without her.

I never realised how much loosing her would affect me and I don't think she realises how much it has affected me. She is probably sad to but she is definitely not having suicidal thoughts not that happy, cheerful Talia that I know.

As soon as I entered the house I carefully played down on the sofa, I didn't need anymore pain than I was already in so I was going to be careful with my body.

I could hear Josh opening the front door to the house, then he whispered to whoever it was.

It was probably Freya so I didn't really care.

I heard them enter the living room and Josh walked in front of me.

"Hey mate, I know you want to die and you will kill yourself if Talia doesn't come back soon but maybe you should forget about all of that because she is here" Josh said with a smile on his face.

I suddenly woke up, it was a dream. I was still laying on the sofa where I remember being last.

Just the thought of Talia maybe being here made me happy but I knew she wouldn't come back so I went straight back to I want to kill myself.

I did hear Josh open the front door and I did hear him whisper to someone, this time it wasn't a dream.

Him and whoever it was walked round the house for a bit then their footsteps got closer to the living room where I was lying.

I thought about all the possible people it could be. Whoever it was just got a lot of attention from everyone in the kitchen so they must be quite important to us.

The living room doors opened but I didn't look at who it was, I didn't wan to get my hooves up to then be disappointed.

Josh walked in front of me and said the exact sane as he said in the dream
"Hey mate, I know you want to die and you will kill yourself if Talia doesn't come back soon but maybe you should forget about all of that because she is here".

I just looked at him, the expression on my face didn't change. I didn't know whether I was excited or if I was just going to cry.

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