unfamiliar surroundings

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Talia's pov

Omg I felt like I was going to die, as soon as I woke up spikes of pain rushed to my head and at that moment in time I wanted to die. I sat my self up clutching onto my head trying to see straight, once my vision cleared I looked around and realised I wasn't in my bedroom and I actually had no clue were I was. I started to panic because I could have been kidnapped but luckily before I started to break down a familia voice came from the side of me. I looked round to see Simon, what the hell had happened to me last night for me to end up in this beautiful mans bed.

"Hey Talia, how's your head? You went pretty hard last night" he asked.

"My head is throbbing, what happened last night?" I asked.

"You seriously don't remember, well you came down to wireless and met all if the sidemen and our friends then Freya brought you oven to me and you spent the rest of the night with me and at every performance I lifted you onto my shoulders because you couldn't see and half way through the last one you needed the loo so I helped you get there because you were so drunk and you didn't know where they were and once you cane out you stole my Koppaberg and then you couldn't walk so I booked us a taxi home and then you couldn't get out of the taxi so I carried you into the sidemen house and that is currently were you are" Simon explained.

"Right, do you have any paracetamol?" I asked.

"I currently don't but I'll go get some from Josh" Simon said as he ran out of the room.

He was just in his boxers, he had such a nice slim body not muscly but was fit as hell.

Simon's POV

"Yo Josh you got any paracetamol?" I asked.

"Ye there's some in the cupboard, why do you need it you didn't get drunk?" He said/asked.

"Talia has got a mad hangover also she doesn't remember a thing and I think she almost had a panic attack because she woke up not knowing where she was" I laughed.

"So you brought her home then" Josh said weirdly.

"She couldn't walk and she probably would have gotten kidnapped if I had left her" I said.

"You sure it ain't nothing else?" Josh asked.

"Maybe I like her a bit but I only have her here cause she was pissed (drunk)" I said truthfully.

"Right then, see you at breakfast then I guess" Josh said as I walked off back upstairs.

I entered my room and found Talia spread out like a starfish on my bed.

"Simon I think I'm going to die" She said as she held her head.

"You sure you aren't over exaggerating?" I asked.

"Positive" she replied.

"Here take these and drink this" I said as I handed her 2 pain killers and a glass of water.

"You are my knight in shining armour, I think you have just saved my life" Talia said.

"Are you sure you ain't still drunk" I said jokingly.

"Nope just in pain" she replied.

"Sorry about your pillow, makeup has now ruined it" she said and she stood up.

"Its OK, the bed needs a good clean and I need a new bed set anyway" I said removing the pillow case from the pillow.

"I might go for a walk" Talia said.

"Do you want me to come with you because you won't know where you are going" I told her.

"If that's OK with you" she replied.

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