vegas plans

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Simon's POV

As soon as I woke up JJ came running into my room telling me about this trip to Vegas and what he wanted to do there and who was coming.

He was 100% going to forget so I wrote it all down for him and texted it on the group chat so everyone knew.

Once Talia woke up I told her and she was really excited, this was going to be a great trip.

We had planned it for 2 weeks time so that gave everyone enough time to get ahead on videos and do whatever they need to do.

JJ asked me if I could sort out who is coming and who their plus 1's are so that he can book the tickets and collect the money.

For the first week I filmed all of my videos and edited them all which took forever and on the second week I packed and filmed with other people for all of our channels.

The day before we left for Vegas Talia went to see her mum and I decided to come with her.

She wanted to check up on her because she was now living alone but soon she would be moving in with Talia's auntie because she lived alone too.

We spent the whole day at her mum's house then came home at 10pm so we could get some sleep before we had to go.

We had to wake up at 5am and leave at 5:30am to get at the airport for 6am and then get on our flight at 6:30am.

JJ pre-booked a cab for the morning so we didn't have to worry about that and we all put our suitcases by the front door all packed so we didn't have to worry about that either.

Me and Talia had a good sleep as usual but were woken up by JJ screaming "we're going to Vegas baby!"

I heard Talia groan from beside me so I turned over to face her and gave her a hug.

She turned to face me, I got lost in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Um, Si?" She said.

"Oh sorry" I replied.

"Why do you always stare at me like that?" She asked.

"Well I just get lost in you eyes and can't get out of thought" I replied.

"Oh OK" she said.

"Ready to get up?" I asked.

"Ye" she replied.

We got up and had toast for breakfast then came back upstairs to get dressed and brush our teeth.

We both bought toothbrushes for traveling so we could keep some with our travel toiletries and some in our bathroom.

I decided not to do my hair and Talia thought it was really cute because it was floppy and soft, I know right very weird.

Me and Talia were the first ready and had 15 minutes till the cab was going to arrive.

Talia's POV

Today I got ready very quickly and so did Si because he didn't do his hair.

He looked so cute with it down and it was so soft and floppy.

He also looks really good with messy hair but he thinks he looks horrible so he spends 5 minutes brushing it into the correct position.

Me and Simon sat on the sofa and waited for the cab to come because we got ready very quickly.

Josh and Freya came to join us 5 minutes later and then Vik came and sat down.

5 minutes before the cab arrived Harry, Ethan and Tobi showed up with all of their luggage and just as the cab arrived JJ was ready.

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