Vegas baby

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Talia's POV

Me and Simon walked down the long winding tunnel to the plane doors and stepped in instantly being hit by cool air-conditioning.

We didn't need that in London but I guess in Vegas we will need it.

Me and Simon had to walk all the way from the back of the plane to row c, that's the opposite end.

Everyone else were in row f, g, h and i so they didn't have to walk far at all.

At least me and Si would get some alone time and be able to enjoy the ride there whilst everyone else has to deal with Maddie and her most likely chatting shit about me or hitting on Si.

We had a 10 hour and 50 minute flight so I was planning on talking to Si about future plans and what we were going to do on this trip then going to sleep.

Me and Simon got to our seats and put our backpacks in the over head compartment then took our seats and put on our seatbelts ready for the plane to take off.

"So future plans" Simon said.

"Yes" I replied.

"So JJ wants me and him to move into a flat together but I'm not to sure because what are you going to do" Simon said.

"Don't worry about me, I'll get my own place" I said.

"But we are a couple, we live together now so we should move in together" Simon said.

"No its fine, if you want to move in with JJ don't let me get in the way" I said.

"But you are important to me and I want to live with you but I also want to live with JJ" Simon said.

"I can get a flat with my mum and you can live with JJ and maybe in a couple of years we can move in together" I suggested.

"But your mum has already gone to her sisters house and I won't be able to see you as often" Simon replied.

"So that's why we enjoy the time we have together now before we have to split oaths and don't get to see each other as often" I said.

"I don't want that to happen because I love you" Simon said with puppy dog eyes.

"And I love you too, but this is for your job and its important that you don't have any distractions" I said.

"Your not a distraction you are my family" Simon replied.

"Family that can wait and then we can create a bigger family and move in together in a few years" I said.

Simon looked at me with a face like he had just had a light bulb moment.

"What?" I questioned.

"There's 1 thing I can do so that I can stay with you" Simon said.

"And that is?" I asked.

"You'll have to wait and see" Simon said.

"Now get some sleep because as soon as we get to Vegas we are having food then going a gun range to have some fun and also we are going to the hotel" Simon informed.

"OK" I replied.

I then fell into a deep sleep resting my head on Simon's shoulder and his head resting on mine.

*10 hours 50 minutes later*

I woke up to the plane landing and the wheels touching the ground.

Simon wasn't awake yet so I lightly shook his arm and squeezed his hand in mine which woke him up.

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