thought you were a friend

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Simon's POV

Its now new year and I'm so excited for what's to come, we have some really cool trips planned like LA and I can't wait to spend more time with Talia.

"Yo simon" JJ shouted.

"Sup man" I replied.

"So, remember that girl I had round last year after we played ultimate truth or dare for my channel" JJ said

"How could I forget, I couldn't sleep" I replied.

"Well she's coming round today and I was hoping her and Talia and Freya could get along and hopefully make Maddie more welcome" JJ said.

"Sure, I'll tell Talia and she'll probably tell Freya but I'll tell Josh to tell Freya anyway" I said.

"Thanks bro" JJ replied.

"No problem" I said as I walked off upstairs.

I went to Josh's room first and knocked on his door and waited for a reply.

"Come in" he shouted.

I slightly opened the door and told him that JJ wanted Freya to meet Maddie and make her feel welcome.

I then went to my own room where I found Talia still sleeping so I got on with some editing for a video that I needed to put up today whilst I waited for her to wake up.

Talia's POV

"We are sorry Talia, we tried our best to save him but we couldn't. If you got him here seconds earlier we might have been able to save him" the doctor told me.

The man that said he would never leave me was now gone, my whole life was now ruined.

First my sister then my dad and now Simon. What have I done to deserve this.



"Talia, wake up"

"Its OK"

I slowly opened my eyes and realised I was crying, Simon's face was so scared and sad.

He sat me up and joined me in bed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I had another nightmare, but it was about you" I started.

"It will be fine Talia I won't leave you" he said.

How did he know it was about him leaving me.

"We had a car crash but I was fine so I tried to get someone to stop and help us get to the hospital and when someone did stop they helped me get you out of the car and drove us both to the hospital, you were taken to a room and I was checked out. I was fine just a few cuts and bruises but you weren't. The doctors tried saving you but you died. I thought to myself, what have I done wrong for this to happen to me. First my sister then my dad and now the love of my life" I cried as I recited the nightmare.

Simon hugged me and kissed my forehead. He comforted me and reassured me that nothing like this would ever happed.

I really loved Simon, he was always there for me and he always took care of me.

"Quick heads up, this girl Maddie is coming over later today. JJ asked if you and Freya could chat with her and make her feel welcome" Simon said.

"Is this the girl from last year that JJ had sex with and you couldn't sleep because of it?" I asked.

"Unfortunately yes" Simon replied.

Hopefully she is nice and not weird like all the other girls JJ has brought to the house. He had some real creeps round.

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