Vegas p2

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Smut warning!

Simon's POV

I started off slowly because I knew this was Talia's first time, I kissed her lips then went down to her neck then stomach then back up.

Talia put her arms round my neck to stop me from moving as we kissed passionately.

We took a quick break for air and I asked,

"You ready"

She nodded so I lined myself up and slowly pushed in making sure not to go to fast and give her time to adjust.

I started to pick up the pace, being turned on more by the quiet moans coming from Talia's mouth.

The faster I went the louder she moaned.

"F..faster" She said.

I picked up the pace and my breathing became hitched, Talia's moans became louder so I went faster and faster.

I was coming to an end and apparently so was Talia.

"Si..I'm..g gonna"
"Same" I cut her off.

I had to time this perfectly, I hadn't had sex in a while so I hadn't been able to get my timing perfect.

3,2,1 I thought to myself.

Pull out.

Hopefully I timed it perfectly otherwise Freya wouldn't be the only pregnant one.

Me and Talia quickly hopped in the shower and washed off, then dried off, brushed our teeth, got dressed into PJs and went to bed.

I was so tired after that event and I could tell Talia was too because she fell asleep straight away.

Next morning

Talia's POV

I woke up to the sunlight seeping through the closed curtains.

I rolled onto my other side to face Simon, he was still asleep.

I looked at my phone to check what the time was, 5:15am.

That's way to early for me, what the hell am I doing up at this time.

I decided to get up and get a drink because I was thirsty but as I got up I felt really light headed but ignored it because its early in the morning and it could have just been because I got up to fast.

I walked to our mini kitchen and grabbed a glass and carefully walked over to the sink with it because I am very clumsy.

I filled it up with water and sat at the table and drank it as I looked out of the small window.

As I sat peacefully looking out of the window I got really bad cramps so I rushed to the bathroom to see if I was on my period but it was nothing.

I ignored it and decided to go back to bed.

I slid into bed carefully so I didn't wake Simon up, I cuddled into him and felt his arm move around me.

I soon fell asleep with light cramps.

Simon's POV

I woke up at 11am, great I've wasted most of the day already.

The bed felt empty so I looked over to where Talia usually lays but she wasn't there.

I decided to get up and go get something cause I was hungrier than usual.

On the way to the kitchen I heard very quiet crying, I thought nothing of it until it became louder and then realised it was coming from the bathroom.

I walked over to the door and opened it slightly and saw Talia leaning over the toilet clutching her stomach looking like she was about to throw up.

I rushed in and sat next to her, I immediately hugged her and rubbed her back for comfort.

"Its going to be OK, you have probably just caught a bug or something. Probably just food poisoning" I reassured.

"I have really bad stomach cramps and I have been feeling light headed all morning and now I'm throwing up" Talia cried.

"I remember the last time I was ill and it was food poisoning and I felt the exact same as you do now" I said.

"But I'm starving" Talia said calming down a bit.

"OK, we will go down for lunch with the other guys soon because we have missed breakfast" I said.

"OK" she replied.

Talia had stopped crying so I helped her to her feet and we both got dressed and washed up.

I then texted the holiday group chat asking if anyone wanted to go down for breakfast and within seconds loads of people had replied.

I arranged to meet everyone down there in 5 minuted so me and Talia left the room and took the lift down.

We were the first down followed by Josh and Freya then everyone else in a big group.

We walked out of the hotel to the nearest restaurant because we were all starving and didn't care where we were going to eat.

We spent 1 hour in the restaurant eating and chatting and just having a good time.

The activity for the day was a quiet day at the beach because people wanted to tan and some people wanted to swim and play games.

Everyone went back to their hotel rooms to get ready for the beach and we all had to meet back down in the lobby in 10 minutes.

Me and Talia took the lift up to our room, got towels and swimming costumes, took the lift back down then ran into the lobby.

We waited for everyone else then we all walked down to the beach

Talia's POV

My cramps had almost gone now and I wasn't light headed at all, maybe I just really needed food.

When we got to the beach I set down the towels and his behind a rock and got changed into my bikini and Simon went behind the rock and got changed into his swim shorts after me.

I was just going to sunbathe and watch everyone else have fun and play games.

All the girls had the same idea, we all relaxed and watched the boys play.

Maddie tried to come over to us and socialise but we all ignored her and she got bored in the end.

Around 3 hours later the boys came back and joined us girls and sunbathed.

Today was a pretty good day if we forget about the situation this morning.

Before Simon got comfortable on his towel in the sun I put sun creme all over his stomach and arms then made him turn over so I could do his back and also made sure he did his face because I didn't want him to burn.

He burns really easily as well so you have to get it on him quick.

We layed in the sun as a group for about 2 hours having the odd conversation here and there.

We decided to go back to the hotel and have showers, get dressed then go out for dinner.

I was really hungry again so I was planning on having a lot of food.

We ate at a pizza place so I got a large with a side of spicy wings to myself.

Usually I wouldn't be able to eat that much but I was just really hungry today.

When we finished in the restaurant we walked around a bit and watched the sun go down because Gee really loves sun sets then we went back to the hotel and went to our rooms.

Me and Simon decided to watch a movie before we went to bed like we usually do then after fell straight asleep because we were so tired.

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