come back

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A/N the music relates to the chapter really well, please listen to it and enjoy the sad chapter that lies ahead. It is also the song that Simon listens to in this chapter.

Simon's POV

I woke up, Talia still in my arms but something didn't feel right. I had a bad feeling, a really bad feeling.

I heard a quiet knock on the front door and heard someone answer it. They let the person in and they started to walk upstairs at a quick pace.

The seemed to be coming my way.

There was a sudden bang on the door and someone came running in, it was Will.

As he came closer to me I started to get up. I left Talia to sleep.

"I watched the video, now its time to die Simon Minter" Will said in a deep dark tone.

"What do thou mean?" I asked.

"You know exactly what I mean, Talia is mine and you are in the way so I will kill you" Will growled.

"If Talia ever wanted you she would have stayed with you but she didn't want you. She told me all the things you did to her and it is discussing, the way you treat her is not right and if anyone here should die it should be you" I said starting to get angry.

"We'll see about that" he said.

And with that he pulled out a knife. I started to panic but realised if I went broken arm first I could use it to defend myself and I wouldn't get hurt because the cast is as hard as a rock.

"Go on then try and kill me, let's see how well you can do" I said encouraging him.

"No Simon, stay away from him" Talia screamed.

"Its OK, he won't hurt me. You stay there" I said.

"Really, I won't hurt you" and with that will sliced my skin but I didn't want to show pain, I wouldn't give up.

"Come on then, surely you could do better that that" I said as the blood poured out of my arm.

"Please Simon, stay away from him. I don't want to loose you" Talia screamed.

"Shut up bitch" Will growled.

"No one talks to her like that" I said as I booted Will in the stomach.

I caught him off guard and he fell to the floor winded and in pain.

I watched him but soon realised that he was wiping the knife clean ready to hurt me again.

"You going to stab me or something square head?" I asked making fun of him.

"Fuck off" he said sternly.

He then shot up and stabbed me in the stomach. I fell to the floor in pain and screamed out for help. Talia ran over to me. Josh and JJ ran over to me. JJ escorted Will out of the house and Vik quickly called an ambulance. Talia then ran out of the house. Josh stayed with me and reassured me that she will come back and everything will be OK.

I believed him, I had to. Surely Talia would come back, she was scared to loose me and now she was running away from me. Maybe she didn't want to see me hurt maybe she thought I would hate her for being involved with Will.

"The ambulance will be here any minute and so will the police" Vik said.

"OK thanks Vik" is all I heard then I passed out.

The next time I woke up I was in a hospital bed with a massive bandage round my stomach and an even bigger cast round my arm. It now went past my elbow, Will must have done some serious damage to me for the doctors to do all this.

I look around the room and see my phone. I pick it up and look at some of my texts, none of them from Talia. I vaguely remember her leaving, I could feel tears in my eyes.

I decided to play some music, a song called Better. It reminded me of Talia's song Better but that was only the title of the song. This song was depressing as hell.

Playing Better by Declan J Donovan

I listened to the music and cried my eyes out. The song reminded me of Talia leaving and how she thought I would leave her but I promised I wouldn't. As I let my tears flow out of my eyes someone enters my room. I don't bother to look up because I know it's not Talia, she is all I want right now.

"How you doing Si?" It was Josh.

"I want to die" I mumbled.

"Don't say that, Talia will come back" Josh reassured.

"What if she doesn't, Will should have just killed me. She is gone forever now, she warned me, she didn't want to see me get hurt, I told her to stay back then I got stabbed. Will should have finished me off and maybe my life wouldn't be as sad as it is now. Maybe there is another life after life that is so much happier and where people don't hate on you because of a game you like or what you wear or who you are friends with. Maybe there is something nice after death" I cried my eyes out.

Nothing Josh said would help me, all I needed was Talia. I was stressing about loosing her already and it probably hadn't even been a full day yet. I have no clue how long I've even been in here on this shitty metal bed wishing for death.

"Remember this Si, she will come back" is all Josh said then he left the room.

A doctor then walked in and I zoned out, all I could think about was Talia. I started to cry again, I had finally calmed myself down again and I had just gone straight back to crying. The doctor finished chatting about whatever it was, honestly I didn't listen, then she left the room and Josh came back in.

"What did she say?" He asked.

"I don't know, I weren't listening. All I can think about is Talia, I really don't want to loose her" I said containing my tears.

"Its only been a day, she probably went back to her apartment for a get away then she will come back and visit you whilst you are here then she will come back to the house" Josh said.

Josh was wrong, I had now been in hospital for a week and no one had heard anything from Talia. They even went to her apartment and she wasn't there.

Maybe she went to see family in Italy, that's all I can hope for now.

Again I listened to Better by Declan J Donovan and cried myself to sleep.

Follow my insta- itz_cd06, I will be following back

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