unexpected news

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Talia's POV

The next morning Josh called everyone down to the sidemen house so we could talk about a Christmas party and who is going to be invited.

Lucky for me Will is in jail for the next year so he can't come and no one likes him anymore.

The whole stabbing Simon thing went on the news even though we asked for it not to be, BBC news just have to have the story and get more people interested because the sidemen are so big now and everyone wants to know what is going on in their lives.

Everyone agreed on who we wanted to invite to the party and we also let the neighbours know 10 days in advance just so they were well aware.

We planned what decorations we wanted and what alcohol we wanted then we planned what things we could do like truth or dare (requested by JJ) or fear pong.

Freya also wanted to have a chill out zone in case you didn't want to get drunk, don't know why she was requesting this because she always gets hammered.

No one else really knew what to add to the party except Simon who had an idea but wouldn't share it because apparently it was a surprise.

As soon as we finished planning Simon went out to get some things for his surprise and Freya wanted to talk to me privately.

"Hey Talia, could you come with me so I can talk to you privately" Freya said, this made me a bit nervous because usually Freya was quite open and tells everybody everything.

I followed her into the living room and sat down on the sofa with her.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"First do you know what Simon's surprise is?" She asked.

"No clue" I replied.

"OK, next I don't know how to tell Josh this but I'm pregnant" she said rather quietly.

"That's so good" I said excited.

"But what if he doesn't want the baby, you know how much he loves YouTube and I don't want him to quit because he is really passionate about it" she said worried.

"Why wouldn't he want the baby, you know how much he wants a kid. He is probably suspicious because you wanted a chill out zone for people who don't want to drink" I said.

"I know but how do I tell him?" She asked quite nervous.

"We are going out for dinner tonight so put the pregnancy test in a box and give it to him as an early Christmas present or something" I suggested.

"OK, I'll do that and hopefully it goes well" she replied.

"It will don't worry" I comforted.

"Thanks Talia, luvvvv you" Freya said as she left the room.

Simon had been gone for an hour now so I texted him to ask him when he was getting back.

Talia😍- what time you getting back?xx
Simon🏹- hopefully soon, stuck in traffic xx
Talia😍- ok love you xx
Simon🏹- love you too xx

When Simon arrived back at the house he had a delivery truck behind him and his car was full of things.

"What the hell Simon, why do you have so many things?" I asked.

"You'll see, it will be a nice surprise" he said then gave me a kiss.

I loved it when he kissed me, it made a warm feeling shoot throughout my body and warm me inside.

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