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Simon's pov

I woke up the next morning and I was still holding Talia, I remembered what happened last night and then felt like going back to sleep so I did.

I thought Will was a good friend but now I can see a whole other side of him that only Talia knew about.

I was the first person she told, she had kept it in for so long but now her thoughts had caught up to her and she had to let it all out.

At least she wasn't still with him and had someone that would look after her and take care of her with their whole life.

Would this affect her physically or just mentally, how would I tell other people if she goes through a faze of being really sensitive or clingy or over reactive.

I pushed my thoughts away and fell into a deep sleep.

Bleep bleep

"What the fuck was that" I shout.

"Just JJ's phone, he is on your PC" Talia said.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Still thinking about last night, I can't get it out of my mind. It makes me want to cry again" Talia said.

"What's all this about?" JJ asked.

I waited to see if Talia wanted to tell him, she decided to tell JJ but no one else.

"I'm going to tell you now but no one else so don't talk about it until I'm ready to tell everyone else" Talia said.

"OK, I promise" JJ replied.

"So I had a nightmare last night about my past with Will, Simon wasn't there it was just me and Will. To summarise it because if I think about it to much, he killed me. This reminded me of all the things he did back when I used to be really good friends with him. He would lock me in a room because he was scared he would loose me, he beat a guy up at a club because the guy came over to talk to me. He used to beat me because would go and talk to other people and sneek out to get away from him. I'm just really scared as to what he will do to Simon because Will still watches me on YouTube and today I announced us being a couple so he will see that and I'm scared he will hurt Simon on try to kill him" Talia said, tears now streaming from her eyes.

I pulled her over to the bed where I was and I sat up and pulled her onto my lap. I held her tight to comfort her and and gently brushed my fingers through her hair.

JJ sat there facing us in shock as he processed the information in his cheese string covered empty head.

"I...thought Will...was a...friend" JJ stammered.

"That's what I thought" I said.

Talia was still crying but not a much as before.

"We need to keep Will away from the house because he could hurt any one of us if he knows were all really close to Talia" I said.

"Whenever you are ready to tell the boys they will take him off the Christmas party list because he is invited or I could go take him off right now for you" JJ said.

"p...please do that" Talia said over her tears.

She was calming down now.

"I will probably tell some of the boys today, only if you are with me though Simon" Talia said.

"Of course, I will be with you the whole time" I said comfortingly.

"You know, you two are so cute" JJ said randomly.

"Thanks JJ, really helps" I said trying not to blush.

Talia ignored him, she didn't need JJ saying stupid things right now.

I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day so me and Talia stayed at home, probably for the best.

I warned the guys that she might do something unusual but didn't give them a reason why, I just told them that Talia would tell them soon.

For the whole day she wouldn't let go of me, she would hold my hand even when we are eating, she would cling onto my arm as we walked round the house, she really was scared of loosing me.

As usual we ended the day with a movie that we watched as a group.

We decided not to go for a horror movie because Talia was already scared enough and if she saw anything about a couple and one of them getting hurt or one of them dying she would probably burst out into tears, she is very fragile.

I decided to carry Talia upstairs because she was so tired and was falling asleep as we watched the movie.

I made sure to hug her tight as we fell asleep just so she knew I was never going to leave her.

A/N the next chapter will be a sad one, just read a really sad fan fic and it has given me some good ideas for what to write to make this book intriguing to read. Hope you enjoy, this chapter isn't that good. Didn't really know what to write, I'm planning the next chapter too much.

I will be following people back on my insta- itz_cd06

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